Sunday, March 14, 2010

Thoughts: 14-March-2010

Yesterday I mentioned the annoying and irritating character that Marv Wolfman created for Teen Titans and with a little Internet searching, I found out who he was. Danny Chase aka Phantasm (so irritating that when he did get a costumed identity, it had to be recycled in the Batman film, Mask of Phantasm) who was so hated by the fans, that he was killed off. Marvel, do not make this mistake with Amadeus Cho.

I hate Daylight Savings Time, especially now where we lose an hour's sleep. Why do we keep doing this stupid time change? As far as I can see it has outlived its purpose.

Fox: I watch several shows on Fox and I do note that not many new shows seem to survive for multiple seasons.

House: I started watching this because I had see Hugh Laurie's work in Jeeves and Wooster and was curious how he would do in this dramatic role. What a good actor, and while the show has gone down a bit in the past few seasons, this season, it appears to be back on track.

24: I watched the first couple of seasons on DVD, one season over a weekend at a time. I never could understand how folks could wait several weeks between episodes, at least now Fox is showing the show each week. This could be the last season for the show, but I just saw on CNN that NBC may be interested in picking it up if Fox drops it.

Bones: I started watching the show because David Boreanaz from Angel was starring in it and have come to appreciated Emily Deschanel in the show and their chemistry together.

Human Target: I really like this show and Mark Valley is great, I hope that Fox renews this.

Lie to Me: Another show that I like that will return in June and I hope that Fox renews this. Tim Roth is very good and there was some Internet chatter about a Bones and Lie to Me cross-over.

Fringe: Fox better renew this show, it is that good and a favorite of mine.

ABC: Lots of soap opera type shows on this network make up my regular viewing list. And of course, a few that I started watching got killed due to poor ratings.

Desperate Housewives: I started watching this show because I liked Teri Hatcher from Lois and Clark and enjoy the comedy. I still do not care too much for the five year jump, but at least the show is still watchable.

Lost: Final season and I have to say I am starting to get tired of all the slow reveals of the mysteries.

Grey's Anatomy: I like Sandra Oh which is why I started watching this show, which can be a chore as it really gets kind of implausible at times.

Private Practice: I watch this show as it is a spin off of Grey's Anatomy and there are cross-overs every season. It is a show that I can really bitch about to the extent that I wonder why I watch it. My least favorite show on this list, and I pray that ABC cancels it.

CBS: The network that I watch the most.

Cold Case: I caught episodes in reruns and starting watching it this year. A pretty flimsy premise that they pull off.

CSI: Miami: Started watching this show for Emily Proctor and I have to say that I like the way David Caurso plays Caine. Too cool and reminds me of John Woo's Hard Target character that Jean Claude Van Dame played.

NCIS: My sister hooked me onto to this show, and while I do not care for the goofy Tony character, he is starting to grow on me.

NCIS: Los Angeles: Not a bad spin off of NCIS and with less goofiness.

The Good Wife: So far not a bad show that is sure to get renewed, a show that got CBS a winner at Tuesday 10 pm, previously a dead zone for CBS. Of course it helps that NBC pulled Law & Order SVU from that time slot for the failed Jay Leno experiment.

CSI: NY: I was watching all of the CSI shows at this point and I really like Melina Kanakaredes.

CSI: I still remember how everyone thought the remake of The Fugitive (Friday 8 pm) was going to be a big hit and not much was expected of CSI which followed.

The Mentalist: Simon Baker really makes this show work.

Ghost Whisperer: Jennifer Love Hewitt and low cut outfits, she knows why I watch this show and delivers.

History Channel: The only shows that I watch on a regular basis are MonsterQuest and MysteryQuest where every so often a really good episode appears. But not that often.

Oh well.

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