Monday, March 8, 2010

Thoughts: 08-March-2010

I have in the past attempted to pick Oscar winners, this year I really could not get into it. I did not watch the telecast, lots easier to look up the winners on the Internet. Pretty much the favorites as proclaimed by Entertainment Weekly and TV Guide won. I thought that The Hurt Locker would win over Avatar, someone on a message board claimed that Avatar made too much money not to win. My thought on that was, when did Oscar care about box office?

Sandra Bullock won thanks to the media push and her publicists who should get a big bonus. Most folks thought Meryl Streep should have won, the consolation here is Bullock like Julia Roberts will go the way of Doris Day. Day was the most popular actress of her day, did great business at the box office, and nobody can name a single movie of hers. History will prove out here.

The only surprise was that White Ribbon did not win best foreign picture. That film was getting rave reviews, what won was a film I was not familiar with, El Secreto de Sus Ojos.

I forgot to mention yesterday that two trailers that preceded Alice in Wonderland, caught my attention. The remake of The Karate Kid with Jackie Chan and Will and Jada Smith's kid looked interesting. Chan is not teaching this kid the wimpy crane style but some kick ass kung fu. It is set in Beijing, China and I think Chan is going to be looking pretty good in this film.

The other movie was The Sorcerer's Apprentice, a Disney film starring Nicholas Cage as a sorcerer who is training an apprentice to take over the fight against evil. It has a Pirates of the Caribbean vibe, and Cage may be taking a page from Johnny Depp's playbook.

Now back to my network TV show survey.

CW: I am giving this network a lot more credit than it is due. I mostly watched the WB offerings and never found the UPN shows to be that good. I am only currently watching two shows on this network, which when they are cancelled will most likely see me gone as a CW viewer.

Smallville: Just got renewed for a tenth season, this is a WB original. Tom Welling really makes this show, have to give him a lot of credit, now he just needs to find the right movie role.

Supernatural: Another WB original, this will be back next year and is one of the best shows on TV.

Oh well.

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