Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thoughts: 25-August-2009

I saw in the New York Post that the Hallmark Channel was near bankruptcy. My Mom watches this channel all the time. I like some of their movies like the Good Witch films with Catherine Bell and the Hallmark Channel Mystery Movies like Mystery Woman and Meet Jane Doe. Looks like they have not been making too many new films which may explain the drop in viewership.

Saturday Night on 9 pm on the SyFy Channel, the move will be MegaShark Vs Giant Octopus. Who will win the fight for the control of the Pacific? SyFy has kept up with its tradition of cheesy SF movies on Saturday Night. Maybe they should get a host to introduce these films, like Dr. Shock from Philadelphia's Channel 17 in the days of yesteryear.

A new book by John Skerchock entitled The Frightful Dr. Shock is available from Amazon.com and is all about the classic horror film host. I grew up watching Dr. Shock and this book brings back so many great memories. Where are the Dr. Shocks of today?

The Closer (TNT) season finale was on last night, a lot of hype for an ok episode. I did like the El Paso cop who got the better of Brenda at the end of the show. I would like to see him come back in a future episode. Kevin Bacon did a nice job directing this episode, the truck chase scene was very well done. Overall all a B.

Oh well.

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