Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thoughts: 22-August-2009

I watched Eureka (SyFy) last night and thought that it was a very good episode, that show has such a charm all to its own, and you really care about the characters. Henry losing his love a second time, Carter and Tess kissing at the end of the show, were such wonderful moments. I give this an A.

Last week Monk (USA) has a nice show where Monk helps solve a hit and run which killed the wife of these Nigerian man. The bonding and emotion displayed by Monk as he compares this crime to the unsolved death of his own wife was quite touching. An A, and this final season of Monk is going out with a bang.

On my recent visit to PA, I like to take the opportunity to visit various bookstores and newsstands to look for magazines that are hard to find in CT. For example, I have not seen a new issue of Newsweek for a long time and wanted to check out its new format. I also love classic horror magazines, such as Scary Monsters magazine whose subscription I let lapse, and hoped to find some of these magazines.

Well, I was a bit disappointed. Newsweek I found, Scary Monsters Magazine I did not. In fact even at Barnes and Noble, there was not much there. Sure Fangoria, and Rue Morgue, the current best sellers were there, but not much else. And now I read that Diamond Distributors has cut back on magazines like Scary Monsters as they do not reach a certain sales criteria.

I have sung the praises of Midtown Comics and buy a lot of comic books and magazines there. With these new restrictions, Little Shoppe of Horrors and Scary Monsters Magazine will not be carried there anymore. This sucks. Sure I can see buy them direct or through Creepy Classics, another excellent online venue for these products, but decreasing the number of outlets for these publications will in turn help decrease sales and eventually they will cease to publish.

What to do? Luckily the Classic Horror Film Board provides a sounding board to let folks know what is out there and how to get it. Still, the more trouble one has to take to get these magazines, they less luckily they will buy them. Future does not look good.

Oh well.

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