Monday, August 24, 2009

Thoughts: 24-August-2009

A couple of shout outs to my peeps.

First, Sheryl, who I know reads this blog, let me know about a new Landover Novel, The Princess of Landover by Terry Brooks. This series started with Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold and has progressed quite nicely. I turned Sheryl on to these books and she has kindly let me know a new novel has finally come out. Thanks Sheryl.

She is off to Disney World next week. Now if she can just get off her Twilight love.

22, our former summer intern, has threaten to deface my face all the way from Michigan if I write about her. While I was on vacation, she changed her hair color to from a nice sexy blond to a depressing dark brown/black. I had a crush on her until she dyed her hair. I hope I am not writing about her too much. Heh Heh.

I also wanted to comment on Nurse Jackie (Showtime), I caught up with all the episodes including the season finale on Comcast ON Demand. Tonight the finale airs at 10:30 pm, and it was very good. This whole series was so well done, Eddie Faco made me forget about her on the Sopranos. She did an Emmy worthy job on this series, which Showtime renewed. Very good and far superior to TNT's HawthoRNe.

Oh well.

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