Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoughts: 01-August-2009

Last night, I watched Eureka (SyFy) which is SyFy's top rated show. Very nice little conventional like show where the cast really makes it the reason for its popularity. Colin Ferguson and Joe Morton really work well together, and I love how Sheriff Carter (played by Ferguson) always comes up with a simple way of cutting to the chase to solve the scientific problems created in this town of geniuses. This is a solid B show and I like it.

DC Comics is cancelling The Spirit with then next issue, number 32. The Spirit was created by Will Eisner in 1940 as a weekly 7 page comic that was in the Sunday Editions of that time. It lasted until 1952 and then became a legend. Archie comics put out a Spirit comic that did not last very long. Warren Publications put out a Spirit reprint magazine with Eisner contributing new cover art. Then Kitchen Sink Publications published several reprint magazines which eventually reprinted all of Eisner's 1940-1952 run. They then published a new short lived comic entitled New Spirit Adventures where various creative teams did their own interpretation of the character.

DC Comics then published the hardcover The Spirit Archives where all of Eisner's work was reprinted, including the daily Spirit newspaper comic that he did. And they published this 32 issue run of new stories with various creative teams.

I enjoyed this run and was surprised that it lasted 32 issues. Sales were never very high for this title and lots of fans were wondering when DC would pull the plug. It is interesting that DC is cancelling this book right when they are planning on bringing back Doc Savage and Justice Inc. in new comic series, both are pulp heroes somewhat similar to the type of stories the Spirit comic did.

Oh well.

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