Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughts: 20-August-2009

Our summer interns departed today. No more tales of 24 and 22. 22 does return in December to do a 6 month contract so maybe some interesting stuff will happen then. When I was on vacation, she dyed her hair some dark color that was not quite black, I liked her better with blond hair.

This weekend I was thinking of seeing the new Quentin Tarantino film, Inglorious Bastards, but I have seen a couple of bad reviews. District 9, on the other hand, is a new SF film that is getting very good reviews. I guess I will check that out.

Some season finales are coming up soon, Merlin (NBC) on Sunday, The Closer and Raising The Bar (TNT) on Monday and Royal Pains (USA) next Thursday. I watched the Saving Grace (TNT) finale the other day, I thought that it was pretty good and it seems that they are advancing the story line quite nicely. I give it a B.

I also caught up with True Blood (HBO) the other night, that series is getting better and better. An A rating and I would suggest that anyone who has not seen this series, get Season One on DVD. That season did start out slow, but by episode 3 gets really good.

I also saw somewhere that Johnny Depp is attached to bringing Dark Shadows to the big screen. If anybody can make a big success with that franchise, it is Depp. I look forward to checking that out.

Oh well.

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