Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thoughts: 30-August-2009

I have decided to cut down on daily blog entries. I want to make sure I got stuff to write about and some days it feels like a chore to do so. So let's get to it.

Royal Pains (USA) had a great season finale where we have an interesting medical mystery, Divya wimping out on canceling her engagement, Evan losing HankMed's money in a scam by his father, and Jill telling the Carver (role he played on Nip/Tuck) to take a hike as she chooses Hank. I think that this was a great series and look forward to seeing it return next summer. Rating is an A.

Inglourious Basterds, the new film by Quentin Tarantino, was very good and was a bit of a surprise. Brad Pitt, who is heavily featured in the trailers and commercials, did not have a big a role as you would think. Tarantino really invoked the feelings of a spaghetti Western with this movie as there were numerous references to classic films of that genre. Rope burns around Pitt's neck, the opening scene, and the revenge ending were some of these references. Christoph Waltz and Diane Kruger gave very strong performances that could net them some Oscar nominations. Very well done film and worth seeing. A is the rating.

Mega Shark vs Giant Octopus (SyFy) was on last night. A bit disappointing as I expected a better fight scene between the two creatures. Still a campy classic that did well enough to maybe get a sequel. I did like the shark jumping out of the water to grab a plane and bring it down. Deborah Gibson was the featured star along with Lorenzo Lamas (he was not very good and his character was boring). I give it a B for campy pleasure.

Oh well.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Thoughts: 28-August-2009

I did not get a chance to write my blog yesterday. Too many other things to do and I really did not have that much to say.

Too much anticipation for the SyFy Channel movie this Saturday night, MegaShark vs Giant Octopus, I guess.

MonsterQuest (History Channel) had its season finale on albino sperm whales like Moby Dick. Out of a population of 400,000 sperm whales, there are 100-200 albinos. Well, our MonsterQuest team could not find one normal sperm whale, we had to settle for some shots of a pod of pilot whales. We did get to see some footage from 2004 of an adolesent albino taken by someone not associated with MonsterQuest.

You know, how are they going to find unknowns when they cannot find known animals. We did get to see some interesting information from an English professor researching Herman Melville's Moby Dick. He had the actual natural history source book that Melville used to write Moby Dick and show his comments in the margins which indicated that Melville exaggerated the aggressive tendencies of sperm whales for dramatic appeal.

MonsterQuest gets a C and I have to wonder why people are still watching this.

Dark Blue (TNT) is really becoming quite the strange little show. After all that undercover work, why does every show end in a shootout where the bad guys get killed? When do they go to trial if ever? And granted LA is a pretty big place, but won't somebody get wise to these cops who continue to go undercover?

Last night's show, we have the team go after a dirty cop. But he is not profiting from what he is doing, he is being blackmailed by the crook that he is protecting, by busting every other crook giving him such a good record, that he is getting a promotion to captain. And our great team does exactly the same, but just has dead bodies to show for it.

A good story that shows Cartier is just like this guy, but in the context of this show, just does not work. Dark Blue is getting a C and is starting to bore me.

Oh well.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thoughts: 26-August-2009

Season finale of Raising the Bar (TNT) was pretty good. I really like Jerry Kellerman, who can believe that the same actor who brings him to life started off on Save the Bell. You know, lots of good actors came out of that show. Raising the Bar is one of the best shows on TV and gets an A rating.

Warehouse 13 (SyFy) was pretty good too. A couple of the Eureka cast showed up in a guest appearance, next week Joe Morton guest stars. Nice to see the cross over on the SyFy channel with its other hit shows. Rating is a B.

I cannot wait to see MegaShark vs Giant Octopus this Saturday on the SyFy Channel.

Oh well.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thoughts: 25-August-2009

I saw in the New York Post that the Hallmark Channel was near bankruptcy. My Mom watches this channel all the time. I like some of their movies like the Good Witch films with Catherine Bell and the Hallmark Channel Mystery Movies like Mystery Woman and Meet Jane Doe. Looks like they have not been making too many new films which may explain the drop in viewership.

Saturday Night on 9 pm on the SyFy Channel, the move will be MegaShark Vs Giant Octopus. Who will win the fight for the control of the Pacific? SyFy has kept up with its tradition of cheesy SF movies on Saturday Night. Maybe they should get a host to introduce these films, like Dr. Shock from Philadelphia's Channel 17 in the days of yesteryear.

A new book by John Skerchock entitled The Frightful Dr. Shock is available from and is all about the classic horror film host. I grew up watching Dr. Shock and this book brings back so many great memories. Where are the Dr. Shocks of today?

The Closer (TNT) season finale was on last night, a lot of hype for an ok episode. I did like the El Paso cop who got the better of Brenda at the end of the show. I would like to see him come back in a future episode. Kevin Bacon did a nice job directing this episode, the truck chase scene was very well done. Overall all a B.

Oh well.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Thoughts: 24-August-2009

A couple of shout outs to my peeps.

First, Sheryl, who I know reads this blog, let me know about a new Landover Novel, The Princess of Landover by Terry Brooks. This series started with Magic Kingdom For Sale/Sold and has progressed quite nicely. I turned Sheryl on to these books and she has kindly let me know a new novel has finally come out. Thanks Sheryl.

She is off to Disney World next week. Now if she can just get off her Twilight love.

22, our former summer intern, has threaten to deface my face all the way from Michigan if I write about her. While I was on vacation, she changed her hair color to from a nice sexy blond to a depressing dark brown/black. I had a crush on her until she dyed her hair. I hope I am not writing about her too much. Heh Heh.

I also wanted to comment on Nurse Jackie (Showtime), I caught up with all the episodes including the season finale on Comcast ON Demand. Tonight the finale airs at 10:30 pm, and it was very good. This whole series was so well done, Eddie Faco made me forget about her on the Sopranos. She did an Emmy worthy job on this series, which Showtime renewed. Very good and far superior to TNT's HawthoRNe.

Oh well.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Thoughts: 23-August-2009

I saw District 9 yesterday. What an original and creative movie that turned out to be. The story was riveting, the special effects were excellent, and I was very happy to have seen this movie. A great SF picture from South Africa which begs the question, why can't Hollywood turn out a movie like this. We get Rockem Sockem Robots (Transfomers 2) made for a butt load of money and running for almost 3 hours. This is an A film and I urge people to check it out.

I wanted to comment on some comic book trends today. The Spirit was cancelled with issue 32, I ran the last two issues where Mike Ploog and Dan Green did a two part story called The Celtic Stone. Very well done and was an excellent story. Another great comic is cancelled due to low sales. Granted DC stuck with this comic much longer than I would have expected, which begs the question, why are comic buyers not supporting great series like this?

Blackest Night is the current multi comic theme running over in DC. It has gotten rave reviews from Kat Curtis on the Naked News. Sorry, I don't see it. I am bored with the whole current Green Lantern story line. Blue, Red, Yellow, and now Black Lanterns. The Guardians getting all wacky with the rules. And now dead heroes coming back like Bruce Wayne aka Batman. If you want to bring back dead heroes, then bring them back or better yet stop killing them as a sales gimmick.

I will continue to buy Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, and the main Blackest Night miniseries, but now of the other miniseries that DC is pushing. Don't care enough to read it all. I can always catch up on Wikipedia.

I do like Dark Reign running through the Marvel comics line. Norman Osborn is a great villain and is being well handled here. This I can get into. Of course, I am getting tired of all the multiple versions of the Avengers, do we need four monthly books?

And let's bring back the Ultimate line already. I liked the idea of having 2-4 monthly books covering the Ultimate universe and a couple of miniseries, one shots, and annuals filling in the rest of the story. And thank God Nick Fury came back at the end of the Ultimatum miniseries. I look forward to the new Ultimate comics, starting with Ultimate Avengers.

Yes I know, but the Ultimate line is not going to have four Avengers books.

Oh well.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Thoughts: 22-August-2009

I watched Eureka (SyFy) last night and thought that it was a very good episode, that show has such a charm all to its own, and you really care about the characters. Henry losing his love a second time, Carter and Tess kissing at the end of the show, were such wonderful moments. I give this an A.

Last week Monk (USA) has a nice show where Monk helps solve a hit and run which killed the wife of these Nigerian man. The bonding and emotion displayed by Monk as he compares this crime to the unsolved death of his own wife was quite touching. An A, and this final season of Monk is going out with a bang.

On my recent visit to PA, I like to take the opportunity to visit various bookstores and newsstands to look for magazines that are hard to find in CT. For example, I have not seen a new issue of Newsweek for a long time and wanted to check out its new format. I also love classic horror magazines, such as Scary Monsters magazine whose subscription I let lapse, and hoped to find some of these magazines.

Well, I was a bit disappointed. Newsweek I found, Scary Monsters Magazine I did not. In fact even at Barnes and Noble, there was not much there. Sure Fangoria, and Rue Morgue, the current best sellers were there, but not much else. And now I read that Diamond Distributors has cut back on magazines like Scary Monsters as they do not reach a certain sales criteria.

I have sung the praises of Midtown Comics and buy a lot of comic books and magazines there. With these new restrictions, Little Shoppe of Horrors and Scary Monsters Magazine will not be carried there anymore. This sucks. Sure I can see buy them direct or through Creepy Classics, another excellent online venue for these products, but decreasing the number of outlets for these publications will in turn help decrease sales and eventually they will cease to publish.

What to do? Luckily the Classic Horror Film Board provides a sounding board to let folks know what is out there and how to get it. Still, the more trouble one has to take to get these magazines, they less luckily they will buy them. Future does not look good.

Oh well.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thoughts: 21-August-2009

Ready for the weekend, I got so many magazines to catch up on. Lots of putting off has created a surplus of reading material. And I have not caught up with my comic books. I want to go see District 9 this weekend, just so much to do and not enough time to do it all in.

You know, a job really interferes with your leisure time.

I see on that Warehouse 13 got renewed for a second season. This show started out slow but has really picked up in the last few episodes. This past week, we found out about a mysterious former associate of the Warehouse who appears to be planning something against them. Pretty good show, a solid B.

You know, with magazine circulation going down, and the Internet killing magazines, I wonder why I have so much to read?

Oh well.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thoughts: 20-August-2009

Our summer interns departed today. No more tales of 24 and 22. 22 does return in December to do a 6 month contract so maybe some interesting stuff will happen then. When I was on vacation, she dyed her hair some dark color that was not quite black, I liked her better with blond hair.

This weekend I was thinking of seeing the new Quentin Tarantino film, Inglorious Bastards, but I have seen a couple of bad reviews. District 9, on the other hand, is a new SF film that is getting very good reviews. I guess I will check that out.

Some season finales are coming up soon, Merlin (NBC) on Sunday, The Closer and Raising The Bar (TNT) on Monday and Royal Pains (USA) next Thursday. I watched the Saving Grace (TNT) finale the other day, I thought that it was pretty good and it seems that they are advancing the story line quite nicely. I give it a B.

I also caught up with True Blood (HBO) the other night, that series is getting better and better. An A rating and I would suggest that anyone who has not seen this series, get Season One on DVD. That season did start out slow, but by episode 3 gets really good.

I also saw somewhere that Johnny Depp is attached to bringing Dark Shadows to the big screen. If anybody can make a big success with that franchise, it is Depp. I look forward to checking that out.

Oh well.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Thoughts: 19-August-2009

I have returned. It was a very unhappy visit as my mother and brother decided to yell and fight with each other every other day. My brother would burn himself out and take 24 hours to recover. Mom would complain about whatever he was doing. He either drove her crazy or was a lazy bum staying in his room all day.

And they would say, what do you want to watch on TV, Victor? Nothing, because neither one of them can shut up long enough for me to watch a show. I was able to catch an episode of Merlin which fascinated them enough to keep quiet so I could watch that show.

And what do they like to watch? Lame soap operas like As the World Turns and the Guiding Light, Judy Judy, Reba reruns, and Madea, Tyler Perry's god awful creation. It was a nightmare and almost made me appreciate Private Practice and Dollhouse.

I did help them upgrade to Comcast Digital Cable, so at least we now have On Demand in my Mom's house. Of course, we did this so that they would have a cable tuner box that would allow them to hook up the DVD player they got two years ago for Christmas. Of course neither one of them took notes or paid attention to what the cable guy told them to do in order to operate the DVD player. I was up in State College with my sister catching up on our favorite USA and TNT shows and enjoying some relaxing bliss.

I did see Julie and Julia with my sister. Very good movie and Meryl Streep turned in another Oscar nominated turn. Any Adams was also very good. I give the movie an A and strongly recommend it as one of the only movies for adults to come out this summer.

I also watched the final two episodes of HawthoRNe for this season. Overall the show gets a D. Christine would have been fired in any other kind of reality. And her excuse for pissing off every doctor in her hospital, including Michael Varten, the only one who liked her? She never prayed for her husband who died to get better. The nurse with the one leg, did get her titanium leg back from the homeless woman who stole it in a lame wrap up to that subplot. And Christine's daughter wins the award for the howler of the season, when she tells her grandmother that she is tried of playing the adult between her and her mother. When did this spoiled brat ever act like an adult in this series, your guess is as good as mine.

And this crappy series, like Dollhouse and Private Practice, got renewed for a second season. Reaper cannot get renewed, the Eleventh Hour cannot get renewed, but HawthoRNe can.

Oh well.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Thoughts: 05-August-2009

Finally, it has come time to say adios folks. I leave tomorrow to go to Harrisburg, PA to visit the family.

No Internet, no Comcast On Demand, no computer, and just basic cable.

I will be back on Aug. 17 to relay the nightmare to you.

See you then.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thoughts: 04-August-2009

Another short entry as I get closer to riding Amtrack down to PA.

Last night I watched Blood in the Water (Discovery Channel) which was a documentary about the shark attacks that occurred during July 1916 off the New Jersey Shore. These attacks were the inspiration for the novel and later film Jaws. This was a very good and well done film with very realistic reenactments of the attacks. Excellent effects.

The film played a bit like a historical documentary of the Jack the Ripper murders. Each victim was named and the attack was recreated. Five people were attacked and only the last one survived. Loss of Blood and the inability to treat the wounds properly was while some of the folks died.

If you have a chance to watch this, do it. One of the best things I have seen on TV. A rating all around.

Oh well.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Thoughts: 03-August-2009

Two more days before I head down to Harrisburg, PA. I tend to be a nervous traveler and right about now, I start getting anxious about heading out. I guess part of it is that I always travel alone and don't have anybody to rely on during the trip.

I see that this coming Sunday Law & Order: Criminal Intent and In Plain Sight both have their season finales on USA. Burn Notice (USA) is this Thursday.

Oh well.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thoughts: 02-August-2009

I watched the second episode of Being Human (BBC America) and is was an improvement over the first episode. We are starting to get more information about our trio and how these supernatural beings cope with their condition. Plus, something is going on that will drawn the trio in over the next four episodes. BBC has renewed this series for a second season, so we shall see. I give the show a B for episode 2.

While I was in WalMart yesterday, I saw that Early Edition Season 2 was out on DVD. This lead me to think about great series which had a short run that are out on DVD.

Early Edition has the first two seasons on DVD. Kyle Chandler was very good in this show where he gets tomorrow's newspaper today. This enables him to help people and change the bad things that would have happen to them if he failed to act. Fisher Stevens was also in this show and it lasted about four seasons.

Friday Night Lights is another great show starring Kyle Chandler (he has the worst luck starring in low rated high quality shows) that luckily for the fans was saved by Direct TV's deal with NBC. The first three seasons are out on DVD with two more currently scheduled to be produced. Sometimes things do work out for quality TV.

The Adventures of Brisco County Jr. was a one season show on Fox that starred Bruce Campbell. A show in the Wild Wild West mode, that showed what great potential Campbell. Thank God that Burn Notice is doing well and highlighting him. This is out on DVD.

The Guns of Will Sonnett was a two season western that starred Walter Brennen (who was 73 when he starred in this show) and Dack Rambo. The premise is that they are looking for famed gunfighter Jim Sonnett, the son of Brennen who fathered Dack Rambo and left him for Brennen to raise. Of course Brennen is a expert at gunfighting who trains both son and grandson in the art. It just came out on DVD in a new set and is pretty good. I remember watching this show as a kid and look forward to watching the DVD set.

Firefly was a Joss Whedon creation for Fox that lasted a season. Interesting SF premise and Fox totally screwed this show over by showing episodes out of sequence and not showing all the episodes produced for the series. A feature film was made that wrapped up the story, which along with the show is available on DVD. Too bad Whedon does not have the same creative fire for the crap TV that is Dollhouse that got renewed.

Justice was a great legal drama that aired on Fox that lasted only 12 episodes. Great cast and was very well done. Unfortunately no DVD set is available. Wikipedia entry has that a 13th episode was made but not aired by Fox.

So, there is lots of great TV out there on DVD that the networks never gave a fair chance to. Fox is the main villain in this drama as they do not give shows a chance to build up their ratings. And networks wonder why overall ratings are down.

Oh well.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Thoughts: 01-August-2009

Last night, I watched Eureka (SyFy) which is SyFy's top rated show. Very nice little conventional like show where the cast really makes it the reason for its popularity. Colin Ferguson and Joe Morton really work well together, and I love how Sheriff Carter (played by Ferguson) always comes up with a simple way of cutting to the chase to solve the scientific problems created in this town of geniuses. This is a solid B show and I like it.

DC Comics is cancelling The Spirit with then next issue, number 32. The Spirit was created by Will Eisner in 1940 as a weekly 7 page comic that was in the Sunday Editions of that time. It lasted until 1952 and then became a legend. Archie comics put out a Spirit comic that did not last very long. Warren Publications put out a Spirit reprint magazine with Eisner contributing new cover art. Then Kitchen Sink Publications published several reprint magazines which eventually reprinted all of Eisner's 1940-1952 run. They then published a new short lived comic entitled New Spirit Adventures where various creative teams did their own interpretation of the character.

DC Comics then published the hardcover The Spirit Archives where all of Eisner's work was reprinted, including the daily Spirit newspaper comic that he did. And they published this 32 issue run of new stories with various creative teams.

I enjoyed this run and was surprised that it lasted 32 issues. Sales were never very high for this title and lots of fans were wondering when DC would pull the plug. It is interesting that DC is cancelling this book right when they are planning on bringing back Doc Savage and Justice Inc. in new comic series, both are pulp heroes somewhat similar to the type of stories the Spirit comic did.

Oh well.