Friday, October 2, 2009

Thoughts: 02-October-2009

Red Sox clinched the AL wild card spot and will play a five game series against the LA Angels. The Red Sox have beaten the Angels in several playoff series and won the last regular season series against them. Jon Lester just pitched 7 shutout innings to beat the Cleveland Indians, so I like our pitching to come back strong and beat the Angels 3-1.

Penn State coming off that home loss to Iowa, travels to Illinois for their next game. Illinois is an unpredictable team, they have come pretty close to beating Penn State. I think that the Nittany Lions pull out a win, 21-17.

The New England Patriots are at home against a very tough Baltimore Ravens team. The Patriots' offense needs to score a lot more TDs than they have been scoring, just do not see it against this Raven's offense. I think that New England loses this game, 27-6. I hope that I am wrong.

Dexter (Showtime) had its season 4 premiere this past weekend. A new serial killer, the Trinity killer played by the great John Lithgow, will be the Nemesis this season. The show started off with Dexter being big time sleep deprived, screwing up testimony in court which allowed a criminal to get off, and then after dispatching said criminal, he falls asleep at the wheel with the body on board and gets into a car accident. I do not see how they will get him out of that situation. Very good show and with not only Lithgow on board, Robert Carridine returns as a retired FBI agent who was their top man catching serial killers. Should be a good season. A

Lost Tapes (Animal Planet), the Blair Witch like fake documentary about tapes of people encountering strange creatures is back for a season 2. The Vampire episode was genuinely scary, Lizard Man not so much. This series can be really hokey or really frightening. Check it out. B

I have Private Practice to watch on the DVR and Dollhouse to watch tonight so be prepared for some ranting tomorrow.

Oh well.

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