Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thoughts: 28-October-2009

Sports Update.

The Patriots defeated Tampa Bay, 35-7 and have a bye week. I really think that this team could have beaten the Jets and the Broncos in the two games they lost. But I think Brady and company are getting better and better with each game and I look forward to them making the playoffs.

Penn State takes on Northwestern in an easy road game, I like them to win 38-3. If they can win the rest of the games this season, they should get a pretty nice bowl bid. Iowa would have to lose two games in order for the Nittany Lions to get the conference title.

Yankees take on the Phillies, and I hope that the Phillies beat the hell out of them and end my suffering and agony.

TV Update.

I am not interesting in watching the remake of V on ABC which premieres next week. I watched the two mini series on DVD a few years back and thought that it was pretty much a one note show. The ongoing TV show that they tried to do, really did not work at all. I see the same fate for this remake.

Someone asked me at work why I am not watching FastForward (ABC) as they thought it was a show that I would like. Too much other stuff to watch and quite frankly after committing myself for Lost, I am not interested in getting involved with another show like that. Just do not see anything new or creative about FastForward.

Three Rivers (CBS) is a show that I have been catching on Comcast ON Demand. While I like the show, the last episode was very busy and very little character driven. And what is up with these patients getting on the transplant list and then getting donors right away? And aren't transplants a tad more complicated to do, just seems like they just speed right through them. Ratings are not very good and most likely will be cancelled by CBS. C

Eastwick (ABC) is kind of in the same boat as Three Rivers. Okay enough show, but it is starting to get into a rut. When are the wannabe witches going to figure out who Van Horne really is? The concept worked as a movie, just might be a little too one note in order to make it as an ongoing series. The ABC WED 10PM Death Zone strikes again as ratings are not good. C

MonsterQuest (History Channel) had the worst episode yet, a two hour snooze fest on the Yeti or Abominable Snowman. I fell asleep for 20 min and did not miss a thing. No new evidence. Old evidence was debunked quite easily. And at the end one of the group says, something is out there and we should spend more money looking for it. Yeah, right. D

Oh well.

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