Saturday, October 31, 2009

Thoughts: 31-October-2009

Happy Halloween everyone! I will be spending this night at home catching up on 12 hours of TV shows. I almost wish that the networks would cancel a few shows.

Last night, I went to the Garde Theater in New London, CT to see the Broadway touring show of Avenue Q. This has been a favorite of mine ever since I saw the original cast on Broadway several years ago. I listen the to the cast recording all the time, and know all the words to the songs, just a problem with being tone deaf prevents me from singing out loud.

The show was great, the cast did a very nice job and I have to say it was an impressive set and fit the venue quite well. No bad seats in the Garde Theater at all. Trekkie Monster is my hero.

I usually complain about the History Channel quite a bit in the way they do such a bad job with shows like MonsterQuest or paranormal themes. Not enough skeptical insight. I recently watched The Real Wolfman about the Beast of Gevaudan, a true story about a beast in France in the 1760s who killed a number of people over a three year period. There was a film called the Brotherhood of the Wolf which presented a fictional account of this story. In this show, a former homicide detective and a cryptozoologist team up and investigate the case. They come up with a well reasoned and well researched theory. All in all it was very good and quite a good example of what the History Channel can do when they take the time to do things right. A

Oh well.

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