Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thoughts: 23-September-2009

It has taken me awhile to get over the Jets beating my beloved Patriots this past weekend, and it does not help that the Red Sox are tanking against the Royals. Jets looked good and Ryan let Sanchez open it up in the second half which cut down on time of possession for the Patriots and helping them win. Sanchez looked pretty poised out there, he may be the real deal, dag nab it.

Now for some Season Premieres

House (Fox) had the best two hours this past Monday, the show was really dragging this past season and it was rejuvenated with the storyline of House dealing with his mental issues. Andre Braugher was excellent as the psychiatrist and I would like to see him as a recurring character. Some of the show was a little too much "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" but all in all an excellent start to the season. I give it an A.

Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO) has returned and Larry's ex wife Cheryl laid down the foundation of Larry going back to work like he did with Seinfeld, when she was happier being with him. This should be a good season, the show gets a B.

Bored to Death (HBO) is a new show about a writer (Jason Schwartzman) who decides to be an unlicensed private detective via Craig's List after his girlfriend leaves him. Very deadpan performance by Schwartzman that works. Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis (Tru Calling and The Hangover) are also in this. Gets a B from me.

CSI: Miami (CBS) did an interesting show where they flashed back to 1997 and showed how Caine put his team together. Very nice and was well done. All the CSI shows do a solid job and are worth watching. We also got to see how Caine got his sunglasses, B is the rating.

NCIS (CBS) resolved the Ziva prisoner plot in the very first episode, Tony, McGee, and Gibbs figure out where she is and rescue her, with Gibbs using his sniper expertise to kill the bad guys. Very well done and gives a very nice added dimension to both Tony and McGee, an A.

NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) had its first show after NCIS and I ask what happened to Clara (Louise Lombard) who played the agent in charge, she seems to have been replaced by Linda Hunt who I am not really sure what she does but check expense reports and hands out equipment and clothes to the agents. First show was pretty good, gets a B from me.

I am off today as I have to visit my doctor and be told that I need to lose weight. I have to watch Heroes, The Good Wife, and the season finale of Warehouse 13. Coming up this week, are season premieres of Eastwick, CSI: NY, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, The Mentalist, Ghost Whisperer, Law and Order, Smallville, and Dollhouse.

Lots to talk about when I return with the next installment of Life of VXG.

Oh well.

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