Friday, September 4, 2009

Thoughts: 04-September-2009

I took the day off today in order to recharge my mental energy and plan on chilling for the next four days. There has not been much on TV as my shows are hitting their season finales and the networks never seem to want to show new episodes over holiday weekends. I have to wait a week for the True Blood (HBO) season finale for example.

Of course it is not as bad as it used to be when I was young. Then we had the Jerry Lewis telethon on every channel of our limited line up in the days before cable. Now it seems only one or two channels bother showing the telethon, and of course we have DVD and On Demand that we can switch to in order to avoid having to watch Lewis and his appeal for money to battle muscular dystrophy. With all the money they raise year in and year out, I wonder what progress has been achieved, no cures maybe better treatment and physical rehab facilities perhaps.

My sister Syd, a loyal reader of this blog, asked me to comment on the final season of Monk (USA). She never liked this show as she had an OCD guy in her life and when she watches Monk a lot of bad memories come back. This season she is watching the shows and finds them to be entertaining. I noticed the Monk's OCD issues are downplayed and the more comic aspects of his character are on display. Two weeks ago, a bunch of UFO nuts thought that Monk was an alien as he tried to solve a murder, Natalie was quite playful with Monk in this episode as she seems to be getting reconciled with her feelings toward Monk. Last week, Monk had to impersonate a hitman who looked like him, Natalie got to play his girlfriend in a nice sexy outfit. The final season is going out with a bang and gets a solid A from me.

My Cage, one of my favorite newspaper comic strips, seems to be reuniting Norm and Bridget, a breakup that I did not care for. Ed Power, the writer of the strip, commented on that blog and I thought he implied that they would not be reuniting. So I am suspicious that this may be a fake out to the readers, seems too good to be true. Personally I like Norm and Bridget together and hope that this is not a dream.

Weeds (Showtime) had its season finale this past week, and the shock ending was that Shane, Nancy's unstable younger son, hit Pilar, the money behind Esteban's political career, upside the head with a croquet mallet killing her. She was threatening to kill Nancy's two sons since Nancy tried to have her killed. I have often wondered why this show is so popular and why I have watched it all this time. There are no likable characters in this series at all, the last ones I can think of were the black pot dealers Nancy originally dealt with in Seasons 1 and 2. I liked them a lot more than the current cast. Mary Louise Parker wants out of the show when her contract is up, so next season may be the last.

Oh well.

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