Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thoughts: 16-September-2009

Monday night the Bills almost beat my beloved Patriots, I was on pins and needles throughout the whole game. Brady came back in the second half and pulled the win out after the Bills made some critical mistakes. Tom Brady is back!

The season finale of True Blood (HBO) was anti climatic I thought. I did like the scene when Sam turned himself into a bull and impaled Marianne with one of his horns. After that not much happened. I give the show a B, the entire season a big A.

I started to watch the second episode of Durham County (ION) and after ten minutes when the serial killer locked his wife out of the house in her robe and sleepwear (she was nagging him about giving his son the money to go to the writing program that he was accepted to), and then drove off, I lost interest. Started to remind me of the mindless Harper's Island. I ended up watching a two part Matlock episode from Season 2 on DVD. I give the show an F and will not be watching it any more.

Warehouse 14 (SyFy) had another good episode which set up the season finale. Ratings have been getting better and better for this series and I am glad for that. The show gets an A and I like the way the are using guest actors from other SyFy series to appear on the show.

Unfortunately, The Vampire Dairies (CW) got very good ratings in its debut. Why do people watch crapfest like this and not good shows like Reaper?

Oh well.

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