Monday, September 28, 2009

Thoughts: 28-September-2009

The Patriots beat the Falcons this weekend, 26-10. Just when all my teams were tanking this weekend, the Patriots come through.


Last Thursday, I had to make a choice at 9 pm. I recorded Grey's Anatomy with my DVR, watched Fringe, later watched CSI on Comcast On Demand, and planned on watching Supernatural on Well, I find out Hulu does not carry Supernatural, had to watch it on the CW website. That crappy website froze every couple of seconds making it a pain to watch the show. Hulu never freezes when I watch something on it. No wonder the CW is tanking.

And why the frakk does ABC have to end shows at 1 minute past the hour? It is not like we are getting more shows, we are getting more ads. That sucks and screws up my DVR recordings at 10 pm. Why?

I checked the ratings for Friday via and saw that Ghost Whisperer won its 8 pm time slot. CrapHouse (Dollhouse) actually got beat by everyone including NBC showing Dateline NBC. Fox is not going to be keeping that show on much longer.

Desperate Housewives (ABC) had its season premiere yesterday. Who did Mike marry? Susan of course the only logical choice from last season's finale. Catherine looks like she will be the new Edie, pissing off everyone and battling it out with Susan. Gabby is starting the slow road of bonding with her niece, Lynette hates the twins she is going to have (seriously, after four kids, it did not occur to her to have her tubes tied?), Bree started an affair with Susan's ex husband, and the only part that really liked was that Julie (played by the wonderful Andrea Bowen) is back on as a regular. Of course the psycho kid of the new neighbors attacked her in the final minute. B

Oh well.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thoughts: 27-September-2009

The Red Sox dropped two games to the Yankees and Penn State lost to Iowa last night, 21-10. My teams are tanking this weekend and I feel a another loss coming for the Patriots. Nice gloomy day here in CT too which just adds to the despair.

Marvel is starting up another Spiderman book, The Web of Spiderman. At one point they had four monthly Spiderman books which got condensed to a three times per month publication schedule for the Amazing Spiderman. I liked this idea and thought that they should do this for the Avengers and X-Men. Now they seem to be going back to multiple books per character. I really wonder who can afford to buy all these books.

More Season Premieres.

Eastwick (ABC) is a new show based on the Witches of Eastwick by John Updike. A movie version of this had come out with Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, and Jack Nicholson. Now we have a show with Rebecca Romijn (Roxanne), who I loved on Pepper Dennis, a show that ended way too early, Lindsay Price (Joanna), a costar from Pepper Dennis and was recently on Lipstick Jungle, and Jamie Ray Newman (Kat) who was Tess on Eureka. Darryl Van Horne is played by Paul Gross who was on the show Due South, which I never watched. I really liked this first episode and will be curious to see where this goes. Has ABC finally found a show to beat their Wednesday 10 pm death zone? So far so good, my only concern is that they need to expand the show beyond having our witches do battle with the mysterious Van Horne. I can see that getting old, and they will need something to carry the plot lines forward. I really liked Charmed, the Good Witch Hallmark movies, and the film Practical Magic, so I have high hopes at this point. A

Grey's Anatomy (ABC) had a two hour whine fest to open up the season. George is dead and everybody is moping around trying to deal with it. The best line was from McSteamy when he said to Lexi, "why do all these gorgeous women fall for this dorky little guy?" And now we have a merger with possible layoffs, I think that this show has run its course and needs to either move on with better plots or get cancelled. C

The Mentalist (CBS) won its time slot in a big well with its premiere. Okay start but I think that we might get a tad too much tension with Jane and Bosco battling it out over the Red John Case. Still this show delivers adequate entertainment with Simon Baker. B

Ghost Whisperer (CBS) now has come competition at 8 pm Friday with Smallville (CW) and Law & Order (NBC) and I think will need to step up its game. We see Melinda have her baby son and then a five year leap where the kid is now showing some of his special abilities and Jim is now an intern in the local hospital. Could be the last season for this show if the ratings drop, will be interesting to see who wins this time slot. B

Law & Order (NBC) started its 20th season with a very political episode where Jack takes on the Bush administration for their use of torture. I wonder if they are going pushing the envelop and going out with a bang. Still worth watching. B

Robin Hood (BBC America) is having a very good final season and I would urge folks to check it out. One of the best shows on TV and I will miss it when it is over. A

Oh well.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thoughts: 26-September-2009

Red Sox lost Jon Lester early last night which allowed the Yankees to pull out a win. I really was hoping for a sweep here, as I hate those frakking Yankees.

Penn State takes on Iowa tonight, in their first Big Ten game of the season. This will be the first tough team that Penn State plays and they are looking for revenge for that one point loss in Iowa last year. I think that it will be close with the Nittany Lions winning it 24-17.

Tomorrow the Patriots take on the Atlanta Falcons at home. Both Wesley Welker and Randy Moss on on the injury list, so it could be a long day for New England. I still like the Patriots to win, but it is no sure thing.

The first causality of the Fall TV season was announced on, the CW cancelled the Beautiful Life after two episodes. The ratings should a 60% fall from the preceding show, America's Top Model. Funny, last night during Smallville, they were advertising this show.

According to the latest issue of TV Guide, The Jay Leno Show dropped in the ratings across the first five episodes. Lucky for Jay, NBC does not have anything better to put on at that time slot, right now unless he can turn it around, NBC may have to rethink its decision.

Now more Season Premieres.

Heroes (NBC) had a two hour season 4 premiere that I watched this past Wednesday. I watched the Season 1 DVD set before I starting watching Season 2 and I have to say that the magic of Season 1 not never been recaptured for any of the other seasons. It was just an average show since then and this season looks no different. Okay to watch but nothing to write home about. NBC will continue to air this show as they have nothing better, other networks would have pulled the plug by now. C

The Good Wife (CBS) had an excellent first episode. Julianna Margulies, who I liked a lot in Canturberry's Law, is very good in this series. Chris Noth who plays her cheating spouse, currently in jail for corruption charges, is going to have a limited role in this series. She did a great job in winning that case and making the lawyers look bad in the firm she is working in. I am looking forward to more episodes. Looks like CBS found a winner for its Tuesday 10 pm dead zone. A

CSI: NY (CBS) tied up the plot lines from last season's finale and looks to get off to a good start. We may be getting a new character, a crime scene clean up person who wants to join CSI. She is played by the actress from Shark who I cannot remember her name. Looks like a good season ahead for this show. B

Smallville (CW) had its Season 9 premiere, and I cannot believe that I have been watching this show for eight years. It does not seem that long, and when you think about it, so much has changed. I wonder how long Tom Welling wants to do this show. Interesting start and looks like Clark and Lois will be getting closer. Friday night may be a bad time slot for this show, as Ghost Whisperer has been ruling this time slot. B

Dollhouse (Fox) had its season 2 (still cannot believe that Fox renewed this show) premiere and once again Joss Whedon is trying to convince us that the Dollhouse is more that just a super expensive cathouse for rich perverts. And what gets me, is that we were told last season that the Amy Acker character's facial scars preventing her from being a doll, so they turn her into a doctor to replace the one who got killed. Then Victor gets slashed up and they fix his face, even though it was very very expensive, primarily because the director had a secret affair with him. So when Amy's character is done with her contract, where they just going to wake her up and say too bad about the facial scars? Are they not legally/ethically/morally obligated to fix her face? Does Whedon even think about this crap before he films it? The more he attempts to justify the Dollhouse, the more of a hole he digs. I doubt that the ratings will improve, Fox will kill this show before long. C (only because I liked the fight scene at the end)

Oh well.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thoughts: 23-September-2009

It has taken me awhile to get over the Jets beating my beloved Patriots this past weekend, and it does not help that the Red Sox are tanking against the Royals. Jets looked good and Ryan let Sanchez open it up in the second half which cut down on time of possession for the Patriots and helping them win. Sanchez looked pretty poised out there, he may be the real deal, dag nab it.

Now for some Season Premieres

House (Fox) had the best two hours this past Monday, the show was really dragging this past season and it was rejuvenated with the storyline of House dealing with his mental issues. Andre Braugher was excellent as the psychiatrist and I would like to see him as a recurring character. Some of the show was a little too much "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" but all in all an excellent start to the season. I give it an A.

Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO) has returned and Larry's ex wife Cheryl laid down the foundation of Larry going back to work like he did with Seinfeld, when she was happier being with him. This should be a good season, the show gets a B.

Bored to Death (HBO) is a new show about a writer (Jason Schwartzman) who decides to be an unlicensed private detective via Craig's List after his girlfriend leaves him. Very deadpan performance by Schwartzman that works. Ted Danson and Zach Galifianakis (Tru Calling and The Hangover) are also in this. Gets a B from me.

CSI: Miami (CBS) did an interesting show where they flashed back to 1997 and showed how Caine put his team together. Very nice and was well done. All the CSI shows do a solid job and are worth watching. We also got to see how Caine got his sunglasses, B is the rating.

NCIS (CBS) resolved the Ziva prisoner plot in the very first episode, Tony, McGee, and Gibbs figure out where she is and rescue her, with Gibbs using his sniper expertise to kill the bad guys. Very well done and gives a very nice added dimension to both Tony and McGee, an A.

NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) had its first show after NCIS and I ask what happened to Clara (Louise Lombard) who played the agent in charge, she seems to have been replaced by Linda Hunt who I am not really sure what she does but check expense reports and hands out equipment and clothes to the agents. First show was pretty good, gets a B from me.

I am off today as I have to visit my doctor and be told that I need to lose weight. I have to watch Heroes, The Good Wife, and the season finale of Warehouse 13. Coming up this week, are season premieres of Eastwick, CSI: NY, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, The Mentalist, Ghost Whisperer, Law and Order, Smallville, and Dollhouse.

Lots to talk about when I return with the next installment of Life of VXG.

Oh well.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thoughts: 20-September-2009

Penn State defeated Temple 31-6, pretty close to my prediction in the last blog. Next Saturday they take on Iowa in their first Big Ten match up this season. Last year, Iowa beat Penn State by a point which was their only loss during the season, not counting the loss to USC in the Rose Bowl. It will be a night game which gives it a good chance to be televised here in CT.

Sporting News Today (free online daily sports report) picks the Patriots to beat the Jets. I think that this will be a good game and the Patriots will be playing a lot better than they did against the Bills.

I watched the season finale of Dark Blue (TNT) and this series has really go downhill since its start. The undercover unit seems to kill most of criminals that they are after and when the few who get arrested go to trial, I don't see how the cops can continue to go undercover if they have to testify at those trials. And why the criminal underworld not figure out that these guys are cops after going undercover all the time, does not make a lot of sense to me. The season finale had Carter kill a dirty DEA agent who just happens to be with his ex wife and is the father of her new born baby. Carter's defense is that the guy attacked him and it was self defense but he did not want his ex to know that he was a crook so he faked a crime scene that some unknown guy attacked them while meeting and Carter accidentally killed the guy. His team backs him up. So, they kill most of the criminals they go after and fake crime scenes, yeah right. This show gets a C for the season.

Season finale of Eureka (SyFy) was much better and a bit sad. Two characters are leaving the show, Tess (Carter's love interest who I liked a lot) and Zoe (Carter's daughter off to Harvard). Tess takes a job in Australia and invites Carter to join her, which would allow Jo to become the sheriff which is her dream. With his daughter in college, what would keep Carter in Eureka? Interesting twist and I look forward to see how it is resolved. Show gets an A for the season.

A new feature for my blog that I want to try out, is occasionally raising a question and giving my answer to it. Her goes the first one.

Question: When will the Big Ten Conference add a twelfth team?

When Penn State joined the Big Ten, this gave the conference 11 teams. A twelfth team would allow the Big Ten to create two divisions of 6 teams a piece and have a season ending conference championship game. This has proved to be very lucrative for the SEC, Big 12, and the ACC.

Joe Paterno, Penn State's head football coach, has long advocated that Pittsburgh should get an invitation to join the Big Ten. This would bring Penn State into a better geographical association with the other Big Ten schools, right now they are kind of an outlier with the Big Ten. Unfortunately, there still is some lingering resentment that Penn State was let into the Big Ten, a decision that was made by the university presidents without any consultation from athletic directors or coaches. So Pittsburgh has not been a popular choice for team number 12.

Notre Dame has long been the favorite to be a Big Ten member. As a football independent, they make tons of money from a tv contract with NBC, so they don't need the revenue. Their basketball program is in the Big East, which gives that conference hope that one day Notre Dame may join them. As long as Notre Dame can be competitive for the national championship without membership in a conference, they will remain independent.

What needs to happen, is that a Division 1 playoff scheme needs to be created requiring conference membership, e.g. conference champions go into a playoff to determine a national championship. When this happens, Notre Dame will not have any choice but to join a conference, Big Ten most likely getting the call.

As long as there is a chance that Notre Dame will join the Big Ten as a twelfth member, no other team has a chance. If Notre Dame chooses to join another conference, than I would see the Big Ten quickly adding a twelfth team. And that is my thoughts on that question.

Oh well.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Thoughts: 18-September-2009

Penn State takes on Temple in their third straight home game. Penn State should have another easy time of it, I pick them to win 35-7.

The New England Patriots take on the NY Jets in the Meadowlands this Sunday at 1 pm. I think that the Patriots defense will be delivering a wake up call and welcome to the NFL to the Jets QB Sanchez. I also think that the defense will learn from its mistakes with the Bills and play much better. Brady and the offense will also be playing a lot better, I pick the Patriots to win 24-14.

MysteryQuest (History Channel) is a new series using the MonsterQuest format. This first episode was on whether or not Hitler actually killed himself or did he get away. Pretty nice job of looking at the forensic evidence that was available, I think that this series has a lot more potential than MonsterQuest. Next week will be on the Bermuda or Devil's Triangle, let us see if they can stay focused and not go off on paranormal crap. I give this first show a solid B.

Bones (Fox) had its season premiere yesterday and Cindy Lauper was the guest star playing a psychic who leads Booth and Brennen to some 10 year old dead bodies. Lauper was very good and I hope that she returns as this character, you know she played a psychic in the film Vibes with Jeff Goldblum, not a bad movie at all. I love Bones and am very glad it is back, an A.

Fringe (Fox) also had a great season premiere and this year the show looks to be much better. I am sad that one of the characters who I liked got killed (Charlie Francis played by Kirk Acevedo) by a shape shifting soldier from another universe who is stalking Dunham. This show has a lot of promise and I love the Fringe team, a solid A.

Friday night, we have new episodes of Monk and Psych (USA) and the season finale of Eureka (SyFy). I have the season finale of Dark Blue (TNT) to watch on my DVR along with Supernatural (CW). This weekend, new episodes of Robin Hood (BBC America), Holy Grail in American (documentary on the History Channel), seasons premieres of Curb Your Enthusiasm (HBO) and Bored to Death (interesting new series on HBO).

And next week, Heroes (NBC), House (Fox), and NCIS (CBS) all start up new. Lots to watch now.

Oh well.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Thoughts: 16-September-2009

Monday night the Bills almost beat my beloved Patriots, I was on pins and needles throughout the whole game. Brady came back in the second half and pulled the win out after the Bills made some critical mistakes. Tom Brady is back!

The season finale of True Blood (HBO) was anti climatic I thought. I did like the scene when Sam turned himself into a bull and impaled Marianne with one of his horns. After that not much happened. I give the show a B, the entire season a big A.

I started to watch the second episode of Durham County (ION) and after ten minutes when the serial killer locked his wife out of the house in her robe and sleepwear (she was nagging him about giving his son the money to go to the writing program that he was accepted to), and then drove off, I lost interest. Started to remind me of the mindless Harper's Island. I ended up watching a two part Matlock episode from Season 2 on DVD. I give the show an F and will not be watching it any more.

Warehouse 14 (SyFy) had another good episode which set up the season finale. Ratings have been getting better and better for this series and I am glad for that. The show gets an A and I like the way the are using guest actors from other SyFy series to appear on the show.

Unfortunately, The Vampire Dairies (CW) got very good ratings in its debut. Why do people watch crapfest like this and not good shows like Reaper?

Oh well.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Thoughts: 13-September-2009

I went to see Whiteout yesterday, the new film directed by Dominic Shea starring Kate Beckinsale and Gabriel Macht (who I last saw in The Spirit, a film that I liked very much and thought that he did a great job). The trailers seem to indicate some sort of supernatural entity is causing problems in Antarctica, but this film turned out to be a murder mystery and I thought was pretty well done. I give it a B and enjoyed watching a pure thriller for a change. Beckinsale is very good in this film.

Robin Hood (BBC America) has the first episode of its final season air last night. Friar Tuck has been added to the cast as Brother Tuck a African-Englishman who is a priest. He seems to retain the scientific intelligence and warrior skill exhibited by Tuck in portrayals past, just not the girth or love of food. Should be a good season, the show gets an A.

Monk (USA) had another good episode this past week, Jay Mohr played an attorney who was able to befuddle Monk on the witness stand in order to get a not guilty verdict, but Monk gets the killer in the end and the comeuppance of Mohr. This final season is getting better and better, the show gets an A.

Patriots take on the Bills in Foxboro this Monday night, I am expecting the Patriots to win, 35-3 , the 3 coming in late in the fourth quarter as the Bills struggle all night long. Penn State beat up on Syracuse 28-7 as they go to a 2-0 record.

Oh well.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Thoughts: 12-September-2009

So I decided to watch the premiere of Vampire Diaries on the CW and I could only take ten minutes of this crapfest. Why is this stuff popular? The two scenes that killed it for me were:

1. The vampire uses his powers to convince the high school secretary to let me come to school with no records. This vampire lived for decades or centuries and wants to waste his time in high school? This is the best place for him to hang out, with a bunch of goofball teenagers who never heard of Mozart or Wagner?

2. Our heroine in in a graveyard visiting her dead parents' graves and the bad vampire fills it with fog. She gets scared and runs. She falls hurting her leg. She looks up and see our high school vampire looking at her. She starts to swoon at his "charms". She asks if he is following her and he says "No, I saw you fall and came over to see if you were all right". She responds "Oh I must be foggy from all this fog".

That is when I gave up on this crappy show and switched to the Steeler-Titans game. A big F and I have no desire to ever watch another second of this crapfest.

Supernatural (CW) had its fifth season premiere this week and this potentially final season (interview with the show's creator in Entertainment Weekly) got off to bang. Lucifer is free and inhabiting the body of the actor who played Jacob on Lost, Dean and Sam are not getting along because of Sam's actions last season, and it may be that God has returned to take a hand in this current mess. What a great series and if it ends, TV will be a sadder place as one more quality show is gone. A big A for this entire series and if you have not seen it, check our the first four seasons on DVD.

Eureka (SyFy) had another great episode where Matt Frewer returns as Taggert who was around the first two seasons. This show just gets better and better. A is the rating.

Penn State takes on Syracuse today, I pick the Nittany Lions to beat them up in State College. The big bloodbath will be Monday night when the Patriots beat up on the hapless Bills in Foxboro.

I plan on seeing Whiteout today will report back on that to you. Also, on BBC America tonight, the final season of Robin Hood starts and we will see how they deal with the death of Maid Marion from last season's finale.

Oh well.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thoughts: 10-September-2009

It took a couple of days but now I am in the mood to write my blog.

I purchased Scrubs Season 8 from and got it in today's mail. ABC added a bonus disk attached to the set which is a starter kit for the ABC season. Castle, a show that I could only watch for ten minutes, has its pilot episode along with a 2 hour Brothers & Sisters show. I watched the pilot of Brothers & Sisters and that was all I could stand. I will pass this on to a friend of mine who moans that she cannot keep up with her favorite ABC shows.

Durham County (Ion) is a new show about a cop moving into a new neighborhood where his next door neighbor is an old friend who he ran over when they were kids, thus ruining his chances to make the NHL after being a top pick, and now is a serial killer. Show is pretty dark and so far our serial killer is killing people in the area, one of which is his kid's teacher who was trying to get him to cough up some money to pay the kid's expenses to some exclusive writer's program. Not much of a serial killer if all the people he kills are ones he knows and can be tied to. I give the first show a B, but this could quickly turn into a D show.

Warehouse 13 (SyFy) has gotten great ratings and the latest episode was great, an A rating. The agents were trapped in a disaster at the warehouse that they had to solve without Artie who was getting the third degree from the Reagents who run the warehouse. I like the way the chemistry is working between the cast and loved finding out more about what is in the warehouse. The TBS series about the Librarian should spend some time in the library and show us the neat stuff archived there.

Sons of Anarchy (FX) had its 2nd season premiere this week. SamCrow is going to be dealing with a white supremacist group out to drive them out of town. They kidnapped Gemma, played by Katy Segal, and raped her when SamCrow disrespected them. What a wild way to start this season, Gemma is going to be out for vengeance like one of those women from Ms 45 or a Pam Grier film. The cast really makes this show and this premiere gets an A.

Leverage (TNT) had its summer season finale last night, and there was a nice turn with a new grifter played by Jeri Ryan. Great show that will be back in Jan, gets an A.

Tonight on the CW, the return of Supernatural and the premiere of Vampire Dairies. I was not going to watch the latter, but nothing else is on at the time tonight, so I figured that I would give it a shot.

Oh well.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Thoughts: 07-September-2009

Today is Labor Day, a holiday that was created to honor the labor union movement in the United States. Traditionally when this holiday first started, the unions would have a big parade and end with a big picnic. Now it seems that tradition has gone by the wayside as most folks don't seem to remember why this holiday was created.

Penn State beat Akron convincingly and now gets to play Syracuse this weekend. Another blowout win for Penn State. This used to be a regular series and when Syracuse was a good team with Dick McPherson as their head coach it ended when Syracuse would not agree to Penn State's terms which would have more games at Penn State than at Syracuse, a move needed by Penn State for revenue reasons. McPherson went crying on all the networks about what a shame it was for this series to end, and then quit to sign on as the Patriots head coach which was a frakking two year disaster. Now that Syracuse sucks and needs Penn State as a draw, they are happy with whatever they can get.

In the comic strip, My Cage, Norm is back with Bridget only to find out Ashley did break up with her boyfriend. Well let's hope this turns out to be more interesting as opposed to predictable.

Oh well.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Thoughts: 05-September-2009

Today, Penn State opens up its 2009 season at home vs Akron. An easy opponent on paper, this is the kind of game that Penn State has more to lose than to win. Unless they blow out Akron and beat the point spread by a big margin, everyone will will be pointing out how the Nittany Lions are not that good. And if Akron should win, it will be proclaimed as a big upset. When Bowling Green beat Penn State a few years back, that lead to one of Penn State's worst seasons.

And because this game will not be that exciting, lots of folks will over indulge and ending up doing serious harm to themselves. Penn State is my pick to win this game nevertheless.

In today's My Cage comic strip, Norm gives the engagement ring back to Bridget who seems happy to reunite with Norm. But in the last panel, Ashley, Norm's work spouse, is thinking of breaking up with her boyfriend which could mean a love triangle for Norm. I guess it is feast or famine for the poor guy.

Disney purchased Marvel Comics for 4 billion this past week and has inspired a lot of Internet chatter about the future of Marvel. Quite honestly, Marvel appears to be in a big time creative rut. Too much dependence on big events like the current Dark Reign storyline which forces readers who want to keep up with everything to buy a bunch of comics that they normally would not buy. (I go to Wikipedia to keep up and save some bucks)

And then the duplication of comics, four Avengers books, three Wolverine books, and 5-7 X-Men books. How about some new characters getting a try out with fresh creative input? Iron Fist and Ghost Rider were going in that direction, only to get cancelled are replaced with mini-series. Moon Knight gets cancelled and replaced now with a new ongoing Vengeance of Moon Knight.

And then you have the Hulk books. Incredible Hulk is back focusing on Bruce Banner, the Hulk focusing on the Red Hulk, Son of Hulk focusing on his offspring (twin brother to Skaar who is in the Incredible Hulk now) and a new She Hulk book focusing on some daughter of Banner and some other character that I cannot even bother to go to Wikipedia to look up. I mean, why not invest on one or two books and have good story lines instead of just average ones.

This brings me back to Disney, starting with The Little Mermaid, their animated films are much improved, Pixar has hit a home run with every one of their films (maybe not A Bug's Life, but this film has become better appreciated as of late), and didn't Disney publish the classic Carl Barks Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck comics? Remember DuckTales one of the best animated series on TV?

Given the current state of Marvel Comics, I really don't see Disney doing any worst than the current output, and quite frankly I see lots of potential for improvement.

One last thought, I saw the trailer for James Cameron's Avatar film. Looks like a big animated film like Final Fantasy (which bored me to tears) or the Polar Express (which I liked but have to agree that the animation did not look that good to me). What did he spend so much frakking money on? I thought Pixar's Up looked a lot better than that trailer. Sorry, but I say much ado about nothing.

Oh well.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Thoughts: 04-September-2009

I took the day off today in order to recharge my mental energy and plan on chilling for the next four days. There has not been much on TV as my shows are hitting their season finales and the networks never seem to want to show new episodes over holiday weekends. I have to wait a week for the True Blood (HBO) season finale for example.

Of course it is not as bad as it used to be when I was young. Then we had the Jerry Lewis telethon on every channel of our limited line up in the days before cable. Now it seems only one or two channels bother showing the telethon, and of course we have DVD and On Demand that we can switch to in order to avoid having to watch Lewis and his appeal for money to battle muscular dystrophy. With all the money they raise year in and year out, I wonder what progress has been achieved, no cures maybe better treatment and physical rehab facilities perhaps.

My sister Syd, a loyal reader of this blog, asked me to comment on the final season of Monk (USA). She never liked this show as she had an OCD guy in her life and when she watches Monk a lot of bad memories come back. This season she is watching the shows and finds them to be entertaining. I noticed the Monk's OCD issues are downplayed and the more comic aspects of his character are on display. Two weeks ago, a bunch of UFO nuts thought that Monk was an alien as he tried to solve a murder, Natalie was quite playful with Monk in this episode as she seems to be getting reconciled with her feelings toward Monk. Last week, Monk had to impersonate a hitman who looked like him, Natalie got to play his girlfriend in a nice sexy outfit. The final season is going out with a bang and gets a solid A from me.

My Cage, one of my favorite newspaper comic strips, seems to be reuniting Norm and Bridget, a breakup that I did not care for. Ed Power, the writer of the strip, commented on that blog and I thought he implied that they would not be reuniting. So I am suspicious that this may be a fake out to the readers, seems too good to be true. Personally I like Norm and Bridget together and hope that this is not a dream.

Weeds (Showtime) had its season finale this past week, and the shock ending was that Shane, Nancy's unstable younger son, hit Pilar, the money behind Esteban's political career, upside the head with a croquet mallet killing her. She was threatening to kill Nancy's two sons since Nancy tried to have her killed. I have often wondered why this show is so popular and why I have watched it all this time. There are no likable characters in this series at all, the last ones I can think of were the black pot dealers Nancy originally dealt with in Seasons 1 and 2. I liked them a lot more than the current cast. Mary Louise Parker wants out of the show when her contract is up, so next season may be the last.

Oh well.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thoughts: 01-September-2009

The first day of September. Kids are back in school, college football has started, pro football is about to start, I always liked the month of September.

This week as we head towards Labor Day weekend, we are seeing the season finales of the summer shows and since this is a holiday weekend, USA, SyFy, and HBO are not showing new episodes. I always wonder why they do that? What else would I do but watch my favorite shows?

I watched the season finale of Being Human (BBC America) this past weekend. This series started out slow but really picked up and made me interested in what was going to happen next. BBC is going to do a second series, overall I give the show a B.

Tonight I will catch up with the Weeds (Showtime) season finale and then watch Warehouse 13 (SyFy). Tomorrow I will be watching Leverage (TNT) and Dark Blue (TNT) and that will be it for this week for new shows.

I did see on the Internet that American Chopper (TLC) is coming back in October with new episodes. Ho Hum.

Oh well.