Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thoughts: 20-June-2010

Day 2 of my tattoo aftercare. Seems to be healing nicely and I have gotten over my sleeping phobia of ruining the tattoo while sleeping on my stomach. So far so good.

Movie Review.

Toy Story 3, directed by Lee Unkrich. Despite an average review by Roger Ebert, this latest installment of the Toy Story franchise hits the mark. Another winner from Pixar, are these guys capable of making a bad film? I like how the story deals with Andy growing up and the toys having to adjust to that, with a very happy ending for the toys as they go to a new owner. Just works out to be a nice way to end the story. Great film. A

I did not get a chance to catch the Karate Kid remake yet, maybe next weekend. The film is doing well in the box office so it may be around for awhile.

New Avengers (Marvel): I read the first issue of the relaunch of the New Avengers comic and have to say, Why? The other three ongoing Avengers books make sense, why did Marvel need to create a fourth ongoing book? I would rather see Ms. Marvel or Spider-Woman back in their own books, than another Avengers book.

ABC is going to show unaired episodes of Happy Town and Eastwick on upcoming Saturday nights this summer. Happy Town failed to kill the Wed 10 pm Dead Zone for ABC, and it looks like the Magic Man will get away with his crimes. Show was kind of fun to watch but I knew it would get cancelled. Will ABC show the unaired episode of Eastwick that they skipped? Hopefully they will show the last three episodes in order, rerunning the one they did show before killing the series.

Boston Red Sox: They beat the Dodgers again yesterday, 5-4. I still am hoping for a Yankees and Rays' collapse.

When you are single and want to send birthday cards to friends who are married, did you ever stop and think and you have to send two cards to their one? I get one card from married couples, but have to send them each one. Not fair at all.

Oh well.

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