Saturday, June 19, 2010

Thoughts: 19-June-2010

I got my Luther Rose tattoo yesterday and it looks great. Also got my Patriots tattoo retouched as I damaged it when I rolled over in my sleep and busted it open. Now it looks great and I have more experience taking care of tattoos. Interesting, the two artists who did my Patriots and Red Sox tattoos are now gone from the shop. Let's hope I am not a jinx.

I think that I will get one more, a rat for my back. I was born in the year of the rat and that animal is one I have done the most research on. That is the only other one I want to get.

I am going to try and see Toy Story 3 and maybe the Karate Kid today. I did not get a chance to catch a movie yesterday. No Jonah Hex though, may have to do a DVD pick up for that.

I had a lot of trouble sleeping last night. I tried to sleep on my back which did not work out so well, as I usually sleep on my stomach. Trying to protect my new tattoos. I ended up going to my LaziBoy chair and sleeping in that for a couple of hours. Then I went back to bed, where I ended up in my usual sleeping position. The tattoos look fine this morning, so maybe I was worried for nothing.

Sports Update.

Boston Red Sox: They beat the Dodgers at home 10-6, Manny Ramirez made his first visit back to Fenway after he was traded to LA. Mixed reaction, I guess it has been too long for any major reaction. Glad my hope that I expressed yesterday was fulfilled.

NCAA: Lou Holtz thinks Notre Dame should join the Big 10 after years of opposing such a move. I don't think he has any sway over the powers that control Notre Dame, so his opinion means as much as mine. I would like to see Notre Dame and Pittsburgh join the Big 10.

The college and pro football annuals are making their appearances on the newsstands. I used to buy one of each, now I do not bother. Don't really need them with the Internet handy. I still buy the Town and Gown Penn State Annual, as there is some good information to be had in that magazine.

Oh well.

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