Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thoughts: 10-February-2010

Big snow storm today, lots of people chose to stay at home and work. Not me, I was in with a few other brave folks to work a honest day's worth.

Saints defeated the Colts 31-17, Drew Brees, the Saints QB, was the MVP. This brings my overall prediction record to 5 out of 11 correct. Nice seeing the overrated Peyton Manning gets his just deserts.

24 (Fox) is going along as well as it has in previous seasons. This subplot of the two hillbilly jerks blackmailing a CTU analyst into helping them with crimes rivals the cougar stalking Dim Kim. What a pair of idiots and how can a woman with a past of being an ex con get a job at CTU? This brings the show down to a C.

TLC announced that American Chopper will end this Thursday's episode. No real surprise here, this last season has been terrible.

Heroes (NBC) has its fifth season finale this past week, boy has this show not lived up to Season 1. Looks like NBC will renew for another season. C

Oh well.

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