Sunday, February 7, 2010

Thoughts: 07-February-2010

Happy Birthday Glenn and Dale, be proud of turning 48 today.

I am starting to feel better, looks like I turned the corner on the cold. Still feel crappy and will be hibernating here in my home and looking to get better to return to work tomorrow.

Still like the Saints over the Colts today, though it seems that everyone is picking the Colts to win.

American Chopper (TLC) is over. Next week is the last episode, TLC did not renew the contract. My guess is that TLC wanted the continued participation of Jr. and Mikey and Sr. wanted them off the show. It will be very interesting to see what happens to OCC in a post TV era. I am not too sad that the show is over, it should have been cancelled when it went from the Discovery Channel to TLC.

Marvel Comics is going to debut the Heroic Age post Dark Reign/Siege storyline. A new ongoing Avengers book will start up in May, and the Heroic Age is going to focus on the Avengers, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor. One bit of news I did not care for is that a second ongoing Iron Man series is going to start up, Iron Man: Legacy. I was hoping that Marvel is going to stop the trend of multiple ongoing series featuring the same character, oh well.

Marvel is always reviving its all ages comics featuring a number of their characters. An attempt to bring in younger readers, I guess. This appears to be Disney's influence on its new acquisition.

Naked News has stopped producing new editions of its Sunday's Naked News Magazine series. They are rerunning old NN Magazine episodes. Also lost another anchor to part time duty. I wonder if these cost cutting measures will continue. I miss have new editions of NN Magazine.

DC is going to be bringing back Bruce Wayne, who did not die, but is trapped in time. The same thing that Marvel did to Steve Rogers. I guess with Wayne back as Batman, the Batman line of comics will be undergoing some changes. I know that Birds of Prey is coming back. I like the current run of Batwoman and The Question in Detective Comics, hopefully that will continue as its own book or in Detective Comics. I don't care for either the Batman: Streets of Gotham series or the Gotham Sirens series, I would like to see those go away. Guess we will see what happens in the months to come.

I do like this DC First Wave where a number of pulp heroes are in a different universe where there are no super powers. The Spirit, Doc Savage, and a different version of Batman will be feature. Maybe we can bring back the Shadow too?

Oh well.

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