Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thoughts: 08-December-2009

Theatermania.com reports that As the World Turns will be signing off Sept 2010. The only two soap operas my mother (80 years old) watched was this and the Guiding Light which bit the dust this past September. Why are these two soap operas are getting the ax and not all of them? Who watches them other than senior citizens in their 70's? I know of nobody in my generation who watches them, and none of the younger kids are.

Desperate Housewives (ABC) had its 2009 last new episode which was the plane crash into Wisteria Lane. Bree, Orson, and Carl were battling in Santa Claus' house when the plane crashed into it, my guess is that Bree lives and Orson and Carl get killed. Kyle Mclaughlin has been wasted this system and I don't really care about Carl. Bree will feel tremendous guilt over the death of her husband and lover. The nurse who showed up three episodes ago who tried to blackmail Angie out of $67,000 was the first to get hit by the plane, my guess she is dead. TV.com speculated that Lynette in saving one of Gabrielle's kids loses the twins. If that is true, that would end a very bad and awkward subplot that I did not care for. Catherine (another waste of a good actress aka Dana Delaney) gets committed by her daughter and could be the end of that subplot. Overall not bad, but I hate waiting until the end of January to find out who is still alive. C

Carrie Underwood, A holiday special (Fox) was on last night. Most of the show focused on Underwood and her music. I was expecting more Christmas songs and more duets with Kristin Chenoweth and Christina Applegate (who was very good in the musical number she did, I can see why she got a Tony nomination). Too much American Idol promotion and I loved how they did not mention Kristin's Emmy for Pushing Daises or what show (on ABC) that Christina won her TV Guide award. And come on, Kristin could not be allowed to do one duet with Dolly Parton in a two hour show? I felt that Underwood, in her first TV special, was not secure enough to let her co-stars do more. Underwood had some nice bits, thought she was a tad awkward about the gay jokes, and has a great voice. Her duets with Dolly Parton were very nice. B

Oh well.

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