Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts: 24-July-2010

Another fun week, had a physical on Friday. Everything checked okay, except that I have a excess of ear wax in my left ear and with my 50th birthday, I have to schedule a colonoscopy.

Movie Review.

Inception directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Michael Caine. Pretty good film, thought I thought DiCaprio was a tad too young for the role. I know he is around 36, but he just looks too young to me. Other than that it was a pretty good film, tad confusing as they go in and out of levels of dream states. And the ending is left open to questioning.

Rissoli and Isles (TNT): I watched the first two episodes and the show really improves with the second episode. A Boston Strangler reference drives the show, I like it and TNT has another hit. A

Doctor Who (BBC America): Season finale tonight and Matt Smith has been brilliant in his portrayal of the Doctor. I have to say that the BBC has been very fortunate in selecting good actors to play the Doctor. A

Boston Red Sox: This team is killing me. They take 2 out of 3 over the Blue Jays, and then against the Rangers go 1 out of four. Against the Oakland Athletics, 1 out of 3, then against the Mariners in a four game series, they win game 1 8-6 and game 2 2-1. This season is killing me, too many injuries.

Oh well.

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