Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thoughts: 11-July-2010

Late with my blog this week. I had to do three months of laundry yesterday and got all wore out. I hate doing laundry, it is so easy to put it off, especially with my low standards of what is dirty. The single bachelor life, there is nothing like it.

I almost would consider getting married if I truly believed my wife would do laundry.

Sports Update.

Jerk of the Decade: LeBron James spent some big bucks to do a one hour special on ESPN so that he can announce that he signed with the Miami Heat. What a jerk, can you imagine Michael Jordon doing something like that, or Dr. J, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? The guy lives in Akron, and having spent four years at Kent, Ohio, let me tell you, for him to live there, he must love the area. So why go to Miami and hose the fans in Cleveland? Not more money, just a chance to win a ring. For some reason, I don't see him fairing that way in Miami, because there the fans are not going to have the same respect for him as they do in Ohio. Prepare to be booed.

Boston Red Sox: Tough week for the Red Sox with all the injuries. They took 2 out of 3 over the Orioles in their weekend series, were swept by the Rays 3 straight, and have split the series with the Blue Jays this weekend, taking the first game 14-3 and losing game 2, 9-5. Rubber match is this afternoon. Another long summer for Red Sox fans.

SyFy Channel Premieres.

Three shows, one new, two returning had their season premieres this week on the SyFy Channel.

Warehouse 13: Season 2 opened up with a bang. The cliffhangers from the end of season one were resolved, a new villian shows up, and this show is looking great. I love it. A

Eureka: This season opens up with some great twists, an alternate time line where the cast members find themselves in some slightly different situations. Jack had broken up with Tess (actress went to the ill fated ABC show Eastwick) and now is living with her. Jo and Zack were dating and looking at marriage, now she and Zack are not friends at all. Allison's son, Kevin, is no longer autistic. And Henry is married to someone who we have not met yet. And a scientist from 1947 who helped found Eureka has come to this time for unknown purposes. Wow. A

Haven: This is the new show based on the Hard Case Crime novel written by Stephen King called the Colorado Kid. In that story, facts are presented in a very mysterious murder which never gets explained let alone solved by King. This forms the basis of this show, where an FBI agent comes to this mysterious town where the murder happened and discovers the residents have supernatural powers. Also, she sees a picture of the Colorado Kid crime scene which has a woman in it that looks just like her. This show got some bad reviews, but so do Warehouse 13 and that became a winner. I like it and look forward to seeing what they do. B

Oh well.

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