Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thoughts: 31-July-2010

The last day of July, and next week I go on vacation to visit the family and celebrate my mother's 82 birthday. Lots of cigarette smoke and stress and tension to look forward to. Some of the time will be spent visiting my brother Glenn and his family and some with my sister in State College, so that should help maintain the sanity.

Our former intern, who I dubbed 23 a while ago, just finished her contract with Pfizer and is heading off to Tufts to start graduate school. EH, my new name for her, is a very bright and hardworking person and should have a great career ahead of her. Tufts is a great school to go to, better than my school, Kent State.

Boston Red Sox: This team is killing me, split 2 out of 4 with the Mariners, swept the Angels 3 straight and then drop the first of three to the Tigers 6-5. Tampa Bay is now one game behind the Yankees and it is looking like we will not make the playoffs this year. I hate the frakking Yankees.

I have been watching lots of shows on the cable networks, they seem to be doing better with creating new shows. Even HawthoRNe (TNT) has not been too bad, pretty much a C after that horrible and stupid season premiere. Christine is still bossing people around, just not as effective as the previous season. She caught her daughter in a postcoitial coupling with her boyfriend to end the last episode freaking out in the fadeout. One would think a nurse would be able to control herself a little more. Also her love interest is looking at another (and prettier) woman making Christine jealous, even though she rejected his proposal. And this is the worst show I have been watching.

Take that back, Persons Unknown (NBC) the summer miniseries event has fallen flat after a promising beginning. At this point, I don't know where it is going but I am getting bored. Maybe it is a tad too long, kind of the same problem Harper's Island (CBS) had. It does help knowing the show will resolve its plot line at the end of the summer. D

Being Human (BBC America): This show has really started off with a bang for this second season. A I just wonder how good the SyFy version of this show will be. I watched the British version of Eleventh Hour and thought the four shows they did were a tad better than the American remake version of those four shows, even though I liked Eleventh Hour quite a bit.

Oh well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts: 24-July-2010

Another fun week, had a physical on Friday. Everything checked okay, except that I have a excess of ear wax in my left ear and with my 50th birthday, I have to schedule a colonoscopy.

Movie Review.

Inception directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Michael Caine. Pretty good film, thought I thought DiCaprio was a tad too young for the role. I know he is around 36, but he just looks too young to me. Other than that it was a pretty good film, tad confusing as they go in and out of levels of dream states. And the ending is left open to questioning.

Rissoli and Isles (TNT): I watched the first two episodes and the show really improves with the second episode. A Boston Strangler reference drives the show, I like it and TNT has another hit. A

Doctor Who (BBC America): Season finale tonight and Matt Smith has been brilliant in his portrayal of the Doctor. I have to say that the BBC has been very fortunate in selecting good actors to play the Doctor. A

Boston Red Sox: This team is killing me. They take 2 out of 3 over the Blue Jays, and then against the Rangers go 1 out of four. Against the Oakland Athletics, 1 out of 3, then against the Mariners in a four game series, they win game 1 8-6 and game 2 2-1. This season is killing me, too many injuries.

Oh well.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thoughts: 18-July-2010

It has been a pretty busy week here in Groton, CT. Just do not have any time to do half the stuff I want to do.

I want to see Inception and the Sorcerer's Apprentice, I have a ton of shows to watch on TV, and tons of stuff to read. Plus fighting on Internet message boards, and throw in Farmville, and my day is flying by.

Despicable Me, directed by Pierce Coffin, Chris Renaud, with co-director Sergio Pabolos. I really liked this movie, Steve Carell was very good as the voice of Gru and I cried when Gru read the second bedtime story to the kids. I had to pretend it was allergies. Any move that does that gets an A.

Boston Red Sox: Last weekend they took 2 out of three from the Blue Jays and after the All-Star Break, dropped the first two games to the Rangers before winning yesterday 3-2 in 11 innings. Today is game 4 and I don't have a clue what is going to happen with this team. The National League won the all star game, so they get home field advantage in the World Series.

Most of the TV shows that I am watching have been pretty good and do not have anything to say. Doctor Who (BBC America) has been outstanding and Matt Smith is a great Doctor. Next Saturday is the season finale, which I cannot wait to see.

Oh well.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thoughts: 11-July-2010

Late with my blog this week. I had to do three months of laundry yesterday and got all wore out. I hate doing laundry, it is so easy to put it off, especially with my low standards of what is dirty. The single bachelor life, there is nothing like it.

I almost would consider getting married if I truly believed my wife would do laundry.

Sports Update.

Jerk of the Decade: LeBron James spent some big bucks to do a one hour special on ESPN so that he can announce that he signed with the Miami Heat. What a jerk, can you imagine Michael Jordon doing something like that, or Dr. J, or Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? The guy lives in Akron, and having spent four years at Kent, Ohio, let me tell you, for him to live there, he must love the area. So why go to Miami and hose the fans in Cleveland? Not more money, just a chance to win a ring. For some reason, I don't see him fairing that way in Miami, because there the fans are not going to have the same respect for him as they do in Ohio. Prepare to be booed.

Boston Red Sox: Tough week for the Red Sox with all the injuries. They took 2 out of 3 over the Orioles in their weekend series, were swept by the Rays 3 straight, and have split the series with the Blue Jays this weekend, taking the first game 14-3 and losing game 2, 9-5. Rubber match is this afternoon. Another long summer for Red Sox fans.

SyFy Channel Premieres.

Three shows, one new, two returning had their season premieres this week on the SyFy Channel.

Warehouse 13: Season 2 opened up with a bang. The cliffhangers from the end of season one were resolved, a new villian shows up, and this show is looking great. I love it. A

Eureka: This season opens up with some great twists, an alternate time line where the cast members find themselves in some slightly different situations. Jack had broken up with Tess (actress went to the ill fated ABC show Eastwick) and now is living with her. Jo and Zack were dating and looking at marriage, now she and Zack are not friends at all. Allison's son, Kevin, is no longer autistic. And Henry is married to someone who we have not met yet. And a scientist from 1947 who helped found Eureka has come to this time for unknown purposes. Wow. A

Haven: This is the new show based on the Hard Case Crime novel written by Stephen King called the Colorado Kid. In that story, facts are presented in a very mysterious murder which never gets explained let alone solved by King. This forms the basis of this show, where an FBI agent comes to this mysterious town where the murder happened and discovers the residents have supernatural powers. Also, she sees a picture of the Colorado Kid crime scene which has a woman in it that looks just like her. This show got some bad reviews, but so do Warehouse 13 and that became a winner. I like it and look forward to seeing what they do. B

Oh well.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thoughts: 04-July-2010

Happy Birthday U.S.A.

Sports Update.

Boston Red Sox: They beat the Orioles 9-3 to take the second game of their three game weekend series, Jon Lester got his 12th win and is 12-0. Looks good for an All Star selection. The damn Yankees also won, so the good guys are still a half game behind.

Season Finales.

In Plain Sight (USA): USA network cut this season short for some reason, nice ending though with Mary going on vacation with Steve Weber, the FBI love interest. I thought that Marshall was going to suggest they get together, but instead she ends up with Weber. He could be back next season as Happy Town appears to be cancelled by ABC. B

Merlin (SyFy): Season 2 ended with Merlin defeating the dragon that he set free. We find out that his father was the last of the Dragon Lords and Merlin now has inherited that title. Too bad they had to kill his father off right away, may have been interesting to see him around in season 3. Still have to wonder when Arthur is gong to realize who Merlin is, given all that goes on with him. B

Three Rivers (CBS): The last episode ran last night, and it is too bad this show is over. I thought it was pretty good. I am glad that the African patient got his heart so at least that had a happy ending. B

According to, Friday Night Lights is doing pretty good in the ratings with its NBC run. Finally people are seeing what a great show this is.

Comic News.

FrankenCastle (Marvel) is coming to an end with issue 21. While I like seeing the Marvel Monsters get some ink, I did not care too much for this series. They are better off doing the Punisher Max series than trying to make the Punisher fit into the Marvel Universe.

Nice seeing the Man-Thing, one of my favorite characters, in the current run of ThunderBolts. Maybe Marvel Monsters are coming back. Anything would be better than the endless Deadpool comics or that stupid Marvel Zombies stuff.

Oh well.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thoughts: 03-July-2010

The summer is just flying by. I have to plan my trip home to Harrisburg for August, have to write a poster for the SFN meeting in San Diego, and do a million other things.

Sports Update.

Boston Red Sox: A great week that saw the Red Sox take 2 out of 3 games from the Giants, split a two game series with Tampa Bay, and then take the first of a 3 game weekend series with the Orioles 3-2. Tim Wakefield gets the win last night with a 8 inning pitching run and with help from a 2 HR effort by Drew. This puts the Red Sox only a half game behind the hated Yankees for first place. Things are heating up baby.

NCAA Football: I just read an idiotic commentary by Beebe the Big 12 (but really 10) commissioner trashing the Pac 10 and Big 10. He claims that the geographic area where the Big 10 is located is losing population and thus are not going to be supported that well. Funny, the Big 10 network seems to be doing pretty good and is available nationwide. Somebody must be watching, and those somebodies are sure as hell not going to be watching the Big 12. My guess is that Beebe's song and dance act that he put on to convince teams to stay in the Big 12 is now raising questions as to where is the money going to be coming from that you promised us? I predict in the next five years the Big 12 will be losing teams and will soon be a nonentity.

Big 10: In the latest issue of Sporting News, there was a nice article that Nebraska was going to be a major power in college football again which will be good news for the Big 10. Should make a stronger attraction for the Big 10 network.

HawthoRNe (TNT): Yes, last week I swore I would not watch this show again. So Tuesday comes along and I do not have anything to watch at 8:55 pm on my DVR, and was too lazy to pick out a DVD. So I decided to watch this show. Episode 2 was a vast improvement over the stupid crap shown in last week's show. It was kind of fun to watch everyone blow off Christine's interference and attempts to push doctors around. Then she somehow managed to convince the doctor in charge of the ethics committee to talk to the patient that they denied treatment too which caused them to reverse their decision, which is what Christine wanted. But before she finds out, she makes a fool of herself before the committee by berating them for not doing what she wants. When they inform her that we did change our minds, she kind of shrunk really little like they used to do to Fred Flintstone in that old cartoon series. I guess seeing her not get away with her crap was kind of fun. C

Next Tuesday Warehouse 13 (SyFy) comes back for season 2 and I may be able to give up HawthoRNe for good.

Looks like ABC shelved plans to show the last two episodes of Eastwick on July 10. That show got no respect and just as it got interesting it was cancelled. At least the one actress has some appearance on Eureka (SyFy) coming up.

Oh well.