Saturday, May 29, 2010

Thoughts: 29-May-2010

Sports Update.

Boston Red Sox: They have lost the last two games to the Kansas City Royals after taking the first game in this series. The pitching has disappeared once again. We, Red Sox fans, get some hope and it gets dashed. This will be a long season.

Boston Celitcs: They won game 6 against the Magic and have advanced to the NBA finals. I really was worried that they were going to blow it like the Bruins did against the Flyers. So now we just have to wait and see who wins the Suns-Lakers series. Good job Celtics!

Political Fun in CT.

So Chris Dodd was going to run for re-election as our US Senator and his poll numbers were low. The two Republican contenders were leading him by double digits. So Linda McMahon, the CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment and wife to Vince McMahon, decides to spend her money and try for the Republican nomination. Then Dodd drops out and Richard Blumenthal, the very popular State Attorney General, goes for the Democratic nomination. So, McMahon promising to spend $50 million bucks in her election bid gets the state Republican convention endorsement for the nomination. Rob Simmons, a great candidate, decides not to challenge her in a primary and that leaves only Peter Schiff, a Tea Party guy, trying to challenge her in a primary. McMahon has also been digging dirt up on Blumenthal, she is the one who made public his statements about serving in Vietnam when he had not.

So will the pro wrestling promoter, one of the most corrupt jobs ever created, get to represent CT? I cannot believe that people are stupid enough to vote for her.

Season Finales.

NCIS (CBS): Another great season comes to an end for this show. The Colonel Bell subplot turns out to be a red herring for the Mexican drug cartel, the head of which was killed by Gibbs years ago in revenge for the death of his wife and daughter, to come over Gibbs. The daughter of the man he killed ended the show by meeting his father, who she told Gibbs she was going to kill. And the Tony-Ziva storyline put on hold for all this to happen! It is amazing that a show like this that has been on for a while can put such a fresh spin to things. A

NCIS: LA (CBS): Okay ending to the season, we find out that G Callen has been watched over by someone his whole life, who appears to be his mother. Overall this has been a fun season, but there is room for improvement for next year.

The Good Wife (CBS): The show that beat the CBS Tuesday 10 pm dead zone ended its season with, will Alicia go to Will or Peter? I don't see her leaving Peter hanging at his press conference and given that she has not left him by now, I don't see that happening. What will be Chris Noth's involvement for Season 2? Will the wonderful Alan Cumming be back? I think that this show was a surprising hit and will be curious to see how season 2 bears out. B

CSI: NY (CBS): So serial killers reign supreme on the CSI shows. All three ended their seasons with the CSIs confronting serial killers who inflicted potentially mortal wounds on our heroes. The Ed Furlong character manages to survive a fall off a lighthouse unto a rocky beach by the sea unscathed like a Jason Vorhees to go after Danny and his kid to end the show. Come on now, I thought these shows had some pretence at realism. Very disappointing ending to a good season of this show. D

I am off to see Sex and the City 2 today, I am not expecting as good a movie as the first one. I think that they rushed this sequel to soon to the theaters. But the show and Sarah Jessica Parker are just some of my guilty pleasures.

Oh well.

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