Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thoughts: 26-April-2010

I saw two films recently, that I did not post about.

Clash of the Titans: I did not care for this remake at all. I liked the original Ray Harryhausen film a lot better. They just seemed to rush from one scene after another and while the effects looked okay, there was no character development and I thought the Kraken from the original film got more screen time. And the original had nudity that this film did not have the guts to do. D

The Losers: I loved the Vertigo comic book series that this film was based on and thought that they did a very nice job in bringing this to the screen. I thought it was well casted and both Chris Evans and Jeffrey Dean Morgan were very good as well as Jason Patric who played Max. Room for a sequel, so I hope it does well. A

I saw a trailer for the Expendables, the new Sylvester Stallone movie coming out. Lots of big names, some like Dolph Lungren had seen better days. Still looks entertaining enough to check out.

I have been reading Swan Peak by James Lee Burke, which is a David Robicheaux book. He is a very good writer and while I liked the two films of his Robicheaux books that were made, he has not find film success with his character. Very good writer who reminds me of Elmore Leonard.

Justified (FX): Elmore Leonard has really found some success with this show, his characters and prose really comes through in this show. Timothy Olyphant is very good and the show gets better and better. FX needs to do a show based on the David Robicheaux novels, that would be a hit. A

I have to play catchup on TV today, just too far behind.

Oh well.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Thoughts: 24-April-2010

I have been back a week from my trip home to PA to visit the family. I have gotten all the cigarette smoke out of my lungs from living with two chain smokers during that time. They just could not understand why I was wheezing and coughing the whole time, are you sick I was asked. No, just not used to be exposed to that much cigarette smoke. And I got blamed for my mother going through a red light and getting a $109.50 ticket. Why did you not tell me the light was red, I did Mother, 30 seconds before you ran it.

I also had to watch reruns of All in the Family (shows that I saw when they were originally broadcast), Judge Judy (every frakking case is the same on that show), and crap on the Animal Planet channel like Animal Cops: Houston or River Monsters. Oh, and reruns of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, they love watching that for some reason, which is the only Law & Order spinoff I don't care for.

One show that they watch on Saturday afternoon, is on Tru TV and while I do not remember its name, the show has mystery writers talk about their favorite true crime story which is laid out with reenactments and interviews with police, prosecutors, and witnesses. Very interesting, they had one on the famous atheist Madeline O'Hair and her death.

I am really behind on TV, have to catch up on HBO, Showtime, and my CBS shows on Demand. Just a few comments on what I have been able to watch.

Supernatural (CW), the last two episodes are really good, I think this is turning out to be the best season ever. A

Damages (FX) had its season finale, which could turn out to be the series finale. Everything got tied up in the end, I did not find the Tobin case to be as interesting as the first two cases we saw in this show. Still better than a lot of stuff out there. B

Human Target (Fox) ending on a cliffhanger, so this show needs to come back. Very good show that I enjoyed. A

The History Channel started up a new series called Ancient Aliens. Two hour episodes going over this theory that Erich von Daniken made famous. They reran the first show made last year and have two more in the can, the first shown this week and the next one this coming Tuesday. Again, no rebuttal is presented, stuff is shown and we are told this has to be a space ship, space man, or a space suit. No real evidence, just lots of speculation. Overall way too much bias, and why this prejudice toward our dark skinned ancestors in that contention that they had to have aliens given them technology because there is no way that they could be smart enough to come up with it on their own? F

Oh well.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thoughts: 09-April-2010

This will be my last blog for awhile. I am off to visit the family in the land of no internet access and basic cable only. Which means I get to watch reruns of MASH and Judge Judy and not watch any of the shows that I want.

TLC is bringing back American Chopper for some reason that I cannot fathom. It will be entitled American Chopper: Senior vs Junior. Paul Jr. is going to open a competing bike shop across from where their old shop used to be. So Sr. will get to bash his kids so more and Jr. will try to make bikes and outdo Sr. Their lawsuit is not going well, the judge just restricted Jr. from going to OCC, I guess there were claims he was interfering with the business and trying to hire guys away from OCC. How long will this crap stay on the air? TLC should replace the L for learning with a C for crap.

The Mentalist (CBS) returned to its 10 pm time slot last night, still do not understand the time switch last week where I missed the episode which introduced their new boss. I don't really like her by the way, here you have a team, Jane and Lisbon, who close cases using trickery that I seen as SOP on other shows, and she is having a fit about it. Also, breaking up the romance between Van Pelt and Rigsby just sucks. I am waiting for Jane to pull the wool over her eyes and get her to back off. Still I love this show and hate missing an episode of it. Curse you CBS.

TV Guide had an article speculating on some shows biting the bullet after this season. On CBS, Ghost Whisperer and Cold Case may be cancelled. I like both shows but I kind of feel that both have run its course. Both shows have plenty of episodes for syndication and I think some new blood would be good for CBS. NBC, may be waving bye to Heroes (which was never as good as Season 1) and Law & Order (TNT needs to decide if it wants to syndicate beyond season 20). I like Law & Order and hope that it continues. S. Epatha Merkerson is leaving the show after this season, but this show has survived other cast members leaving.

ABC and Fox did not have any shows mentioned yet for cancellation that I watch. Human Target and Lie to Me on Fox has not been renewed yet, while Fringe, Bones, and House have. Just have to wait and see.

Oh well.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Thoughts: 03-April-2010

Normally, I never get caught by April Fool's Jokes but this year I did. When I went into work on April 1, I got a call that one of my lab mates had failed to put away an experiment which if discovered would get them into big trouble. I raced downstairs and could not find any trace of the experiment, I even got CM personnel involved in helping me look. Turns out my lab mate got a text message from her lab mate telling her she forgot and then she said April Fools to her. So quite unintentionally, she got quite a few people with that innocent joke.

We had some big time flooding in southeastern CT this past week. A friend of mine got her basement flooded and needs help cleaning it up, so I will be helping her today. I owe her a ton of favors so this will allow me to pay her back. Too bad Clash of the Titans had to open today.

24 is coming to an end and the franchise is heading to the movies. The way Kiefer Sutherland plays Jack Bauer, this should make a pretty good movie franchise. At least it has the potential as good as the Matt Damon Bourne series.

Private Practice (ABC): I am disappointed that the romance between Sheldon and Charlotte fizzled out. I like them together a lot more than her and Cooper. And they seem to want to bring them back together, Cooper is resisting which just makes me laugh. I would give anything to have someone like Charlotte want to be with me. Violet has returned and looks like she is going to bust up the Addison-Peter-Lucas family triangle. Back to junior high we go. All said, even with the coma pregnant subplot resolving itself as a happy ending, this was not as bad as it usually is. C

In Plain Sight (USA): So when this series had ended, Mary is shot and in a coma and Marshall is looking for her killer. And when it returns, Mary is okay and about to get out of the hospital? A very lame ending to what could have been a really good dramatic plot. And everything gets resolved in a happy ending. Sad, but this was not very good at all. D

So I missed the Mentalist (CBS) this past week, because for some strange reason, CBS decided to switch CSI and the Mentalist' time slots. Why? I can watch CSI on Demand, Fringe on Hulu, but The Mentalist is not on anywhere else. Either offer the show on Demand, or just stop screwing with the viewers.

Oh well.