Sunday, January 9, 2011

Entry: 09-Jan-2011

Start of a new year has given me some motivation to once again to try and write my blog. Let us see how long this lasts.

The end of the year was kind of tough on me. Had a colonoscopy which came up with three small polyps, once which had the potential to grow into something. They got it before it could do any harm the other two were benign. I get to do this again in five years.

On Oct. 25 my 48 year old younger brother, Dale, passed away. The cause of death was accidental overdose which lead to severe respiratory depression. He was a recovering opiate addict who was being treated for depression and adult attention deficit disorder. He was on an antidepressant and methylphenidate i.e. Ritalin. He chose to buy prescription medications such as diazepam, lorazapam, and Oxycontin in order to create a drug cocktail which if he was still alive would be a claim that he was self medicating when really he was trying to get high. He lived a live of deceit and never was honest with his family or health providers.

And while I have lots of great memories of him, it is hard to get pass the fact that I am angry for doing this to himself.

I went to San Diego in November for the SFN meeting. My poster was well received, but did I hate that five hour flight from the East Coast to there. I love Amtrack even more after that experience.

Went home for the holidays and have a nice time there. Mom and Dale used to fight constantly and create a lot of tension. This year it was very pleasant. Went to State College to send a few days with my sister. I won her a t shirt at the Lady Lions-Bucknell basketball game but catching the attention of the cheerleaders handing them out with a loud yell. I was not happy that three old guys in front of us were screaming for a free Subway sub that was handed out earlier which made the DJ toss it at them and their scramble to get the sub caused it to be destroyed over us all.

Saw True Grit, the Coen Brothers remake, which I liked a lot (A) and also the Black Swan, which was okay (B), the best part was Natalie Portman's performance, she deserves an Oscar.

And I have to admit, I am enjoying Private Practice this year, somehow they actually started writing good scripts again. I also like Detroit 187 and Human Target, both which will probably get cancelled.

Lie to Me has started to get really bad, I think that they are making the mistake they did with House and focusing too much on Lightman's nutty behavior instead of the mysteries. Will not miss it if Fox axes it.

Well, I blew my football pool this weekend, with the first two games. I had New Orleans going to the Super Bowl and they got beat by Seattle. Shannon Sharpe has any team who makes it from the NFC West was a guarantee to got out in the first round. And the hated Jets beat the Colts which mean my beloved Patriots have to play them in the next round. Rex Ryan will be shooting his mouth off all week, I hope we can kill them again like last time.

Let us see how long I can write this blog this go around.

Oh well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Farewell: 23-September-2010

As I spend the day doing prep for a colon test scheduled for tomorrow, I find that I cannot work up any motivation to write a blog entry.

I am spent and so I bid the few who still read this blog farewell.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Rants, Raves, and Bewilderment: 06-Sept-2010

Happy Labor Day everyone, a day which was created to celebrate labor unions and now with their popularity go down, is a bit ironic. Now we used this day to celebrate the end of summer.


Persons Unknown on NBC, what a piece of crap that show turned out to be. We were promised that the mysteries would be explained. Did not happen. Instead, we have no answers at all after watching this crapfest for 12 episodes. This show makes Harper's Island look good, at least they identified the killer at the end. Stephen King raves about this show, thank God his work is the total opposite of this crapfest.

The Boston Red Sox have once again broken my heart. At least they could have taken the damn Yankees out.
Friday, we had this big Hurricane Earl warning, my company actually let us leave at noon. So I rushed through my experiment and get done by 1:45 pm, get soaked by a heavy rain storm that ended five minutes after I started my walk home, and that was it. No high winds, just some heavy rain. Power did not go out at all. What a pain in the butt that day was.


The Glades on A&E, just love this show.

Machete, the latest film by Robert Rodriguez and Ethan Maniquis, not for everyone, but a grand old time for us fans of the grind house movie. Just an amazing film experience.

Penn State won its home/season opener easily over Youngstown State. Always good to see a Penn State victory, I still remember when Bowling Green beat us in what was supposed to be an easy win opener.


Sports Illustrated is picking the Steelers to beat the Packers in this year's Super Bowl. The Steelers, they are not even the best team in their division, and Big Ben is out for the first four games. At least they are not picking the frakking Jets.

Oh well.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rants, Raves, and Bewilderment: 29-August-2010

Rant: I am having trouble getting motivated to write this blog. I really don't seem to be able to work up much enthusiasm to even write a rant. Maybe I need the horrible ABC program, Private Practice to motivate me.

Rant: The Red Sox are now in the break your heart mode. They beat Tampa Bay on Friday and lose to them last night. This team gets your hope up that maybe they can make the playoffs by coming close and then lose key games. Injuries killed this team's chances.

Bewilderment: Linda McMahon, the CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment company and Republican nominee for the US Senate is bashing the Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal by claiming he lied about taking PAC money. Only problem, she fails to name specifics. Why is she starting a negative campaign, given all the dirt that is out there on her? Wrestling promoters are the most corrupt people around, she is the last person who should be slinging mud.

Rant: Persons Unknown (NBC) like Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, started off with lots of promise and now has quickly sunk to the depths of utter boredom. I could care less what happens to these people and what the crappy program is all about. NBC is pushing this new show, The Event, which I think is going to be the same piece of crap as this show.

Oh well.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rants, Raves, and Bewilderment: 22-August-2010

I am changing the tone of this blog to short comments about my raves, my rants, and my general bewilderment at the world. Time to try something new.

Rant: After being off the Internet for a while due to my vacation in Harrisburg, PA, I have to say what the frak is up with PA newspapers? News exists outside of PA, yet not one word could I find about the results of the CT primaries until I got to the public library and did checked out the New London Day website. I miss my computer.

Rant: Linda McMahon wins the Republican primary for the US Senate nomination. Seriously, folks in CT really believe she is qualified to be a US Senator. Well, a easy vote for me, I am going with Richard Blumenthal.

Rave: Ned Lamont, after spending a ton of money, was rejected by CT Democratic votes and Dan Malloy will be running for Governor against Tom Foley. Thank God, some intelligent voters are still alive and well in CT.

Rant: Injuries decimated the Boston Red Sox to the point that the team will not make the playoffs. So the hated Yankees with that weak ass pitching staff will make the playoffs, please somebody eliminate them ASAP.

Rave: I am loving the Glades (A&E) and hope it gets renewed, a great show and fun to watch.

Rant: I cannot believe how few good movies came out in August. Usually my sister and I got to the movies when we get together on our family vacations and could not find anything that we wanted to see. Where are all the good movies?

Oh well.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Thoughts: 31-July-2010

The last day of July, and next week I go on vacation to visit the family and celebrate my mother's 82 birthday. Lots of cigarette smoke and stress and tension to look forward to. Some of the time will be spent visiting my brother Glenn and his family and some with my sister in State College, so that should help maintain the sanity.

Our former intern, who I dubbed 23 a while ago, just finished her contract with Pfizer and is heading off to Tufts to start graduate school. EH, my new name for her, is a very bright and hardworking person and should have a great career ahead of her. Tufts is a great school to go to, better than my school, Kent State.

Boston Red Sox: This team is killing me, split 2 out of 4 with the Mariners, swept the Angels 3 straight and then drop the first of three to the Tigers 6-5. Tampa Bay is now one game behind the Yankees and it is looking like we will not make the playoffs this year. I hate the frakking Yankees.

I have been watching lots of shows on the cable networks, they seem to be doing better with creating new shows. Even HawthoRNe (TNT) has not been too bad, pretty much a C after that horrible and stupid season premiere. Christine is still bossing people around, just not as effective as the previous season. She caught her daughter in a postcoitial coupling with her boyfriend to end the last episode freaking out in the fadeout. One would think a nurse would be able to control herself a little more. Also her love interest is looking at another (and prettier) woman making Christine jealous, even though she rejected his proposal. And this is the worst show I have been watching.

Take that back, Persons Unknown (NBC) the summer miniseries event has fallen flat after a promising beginning. At this point, I don't know where it is going but I am getting bored. Maybe it is a tad too long, kind of the same problem Harper's Island (CBS) had. It does help knowing the show will resolve its plot line at the end of the summer. D

Being Human (BBC America): This show has really started off with a bang for this second season. A I just wonder how good the SyFy version of this show will be. I watched the British version of Eleventh Hour and thought the four shows they did were a tad better than the American remake version of those four shows, even though I liked Eleventh Hour quite a bit.

Oh well.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Thoughts: 24-July-2010

Another fun week, had a physical on Friday. Everything checked okay, except that I have a excess of ear wax in my left ear and with my 50th birthday, I have to schedule a colonoscopy.

Movie Review.

Inception directed by Christopher Nolan and starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Ellen Page, and Michael Caine. Pretty good film, thought I thought DiCaprio was a tad too young for the role. I know he is around 36, but he just looks too young to me. Other than that it was a pretty good film, tad confusing as they go in and out of levels of dream states. And the ending is left open to questioning.

Rissoli and Isles (TNT): I watched the first two episodes and the show really improves with the second episode. A Boston Strangler reference drives the show, I like it and TNT has another hit. A

Doctor Who (BBC America): Season finale tonight and Matt Smith has been brilliant in his portrayal of the Doctor. I have to say that the BBC has been very fortunate in selecting good actors to play the Doctor. A

Boston Red Sox: This team is killing me. They take 2 out of 3 over the Blue Jays, and then against the Rangers go 1 out of four. Against the Oakland Athletics, 1 out of 3, then against the Mariners in a four game series, they win game 1 8-6 and game 2 2-1. This season is killing me, too many injuries.

Oh well.