Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rants, Raves, and Bewilderment: 22-August-2010

I am changing the tone of this blog to short comments about my raves, my rants, and my general bewilderment at the world. Time to try something new.

Rant: After being off the Internet for a while due to my vacation in Harrisburg, PA, I have to say what the frak is up with PA newspapers? News exists outside of PA, yet not one word could I find about the results of the CT primaries until I got to the public library and did checked out the New London Day website. I miss my computer.

Rant: Linda McMahon wins the Republican primary for the US Senate nomination. Seriously, folks in CT really believe she is qualified to be a US Senator. Well, a easy vote for me, I am going with Richard Blumenthal.

Rave: Ned Lamont, after spending a ton of money, was rejected by CT Democratic votes and Dan Malloy will be running for Governor against Tom Foley. Thank God, some intelligent voters are still alive and well in CT.

Rant: Injuries decimated the Boston Red Sox to the point that the team will not make the playoffs. So the hated Yankees with that weak ass pitching staff will make the playoffs, please somebody eliminate them ASAP.

Rave: I am loving the Glades (A&E) and hope it gets renewed, a great show and fun to watch.

Rant: I cannot believe how few good movies came out in August. Usually my sister and I got to the movies when we get together on our family vacations and could not find anything that we wanted to see. Where are all the good movies?

Oh well.

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