Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rants, Raves, and Bewilderment: 29-August-2010

Rant: I am having trouble getting motivated to write this blog. I really don't seem to be able to work up much enthusiasm to even write a rant. Maybe I need the horrible ABC program, Private Practice to motivate me.

Rant: The Red Sox are now in the break your heart mode. They beat Tampa Bay on Friday and lose to them last night. This team gets your hope up that maybe they can make the playoffs by coming close and then lose key games. Injuries killed this team's chances.

Bewilderment: Linda McMahon, the CEO of the World Wrestling Entertainment company and Republican nominee for the US Senate is bashing the Democrat candidate Richard Blumenthal by claiming he lied about taking PAC money. Only problem, she fails to name specifics. Why is she starting a negative campaign, given all the dirt that is out there on her? Wrestling promoters are the most corrupt people around, she is the last person who should be slinging mud.

Rant: Persons Unknown (NBC) like Joss Whedon's Dollhouse, started off with lots of promise and now has quickly sunk to the depths of utter boredom. I could care less what happens to these people and what the crappy program is all about. NBC is pushing this new show, The Event, which I think is going to be the same piece of crap as this show.

Oh well.

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